why is it so difficult for us all to accept the change life brings along?Some paths I used to think I would never walk on

Some streams I used to think I would never flow down

Standing at this point,

Thinking through all the thoughts I used to think,

Laughing on my own naïve and tenacity,

Telling myself! Change is inevitable part of life.

The only thing that is constant in the course of nature is change.

Then why is it so difficult for us all to accept the change life brings along?

Our beliefs!! Our experiences!!Our beliefs!! Our experiences!! Our tendency to hold on to things and people we love and admire and probably our very own comfort zone that we are so reluctant to move out of.

Right from our childhood, the period of development of the beliefs, we are conditioned to see, think, feel in a certain way.

A child is taught even some gender-specific behaviors. “You are a boy, don’t cry like a girl”. Who are we to decide that a boy, a male is not allowed to feel and cry? Who are we to decide that he should not express his true feelings about a person and a situation?

Likewise, girls are told that they have to live their lives as per the wishes of the males in her life, be it her father, brother, or husband because she is carrying the so-called and ever so-fragile RESPECT of those mighty males in her life, since they are not strong enough to keep their own respect untainted, so, ironically they need a TIMID and WEAK female to protect it for them.

Why can’t we just see a human for its capabilities, potential and skills, irrespective of the gender, color, caste, race?Why can’t we just see a human for its capabilities, potential and skills, irrespective of the gender, color, caste, race?

Why can’t we just accept and respect some natural differences between both the genders and not make them a basis of discrimination and human iniquity?

Besides, we must remember that a soul does not have any gender. It is just a soul and so there should not be any discrimination based on that.

Yoga in Rishikesh- Yogasth Vidya Rishikesh
Yogasth Vidya Rishikesh
We are conditioned to act in a certain way in the society
We are conditioned to act in a certain way in the society. Just because we are social animals, so we need to put a mask and conceal our genuine face. Just because society does not accept it, so we should not follow our dreams. Just because the society looks down upon and disapproves of, so we have to shoulder the meaningless relationships throughout our lives. Why can’t we just be genuine about our feelings towards our relations and make peace with staying together or walking away?

We are taught to follow the religion we are born in
We are taught to follow the religion we are born in. We are conditioned to follow and revere one religion and to keep OUR religion superior to others. But one has not chosen it. Why do we have to be bounded by the practices of a specific religion? If the God is One. Why can’t we just worship The God. Why is there so much hate and violence in the name of god and religion?

We are taught to chase security and comfort throughout our lives rather than choosing our free will and exercise freedom of our soul. Such beliefs are so deeply engrained in our psyche and we keep on passing them down the generations.

We are so afraid to face our true intentions and feelingsWe are so afraid to face our true intentions and feelings, for we might have to break these old beliefs and come out of those shackles of our comforts, we are so habitual of.

We have totally misinterpreted the murdering of our true selves and soul intentions and termed them as Normal Life.

But my friend! Growth never happens by staying in the comfort zone.

And change cannot be brought about just by saying that things should change.

The faith in change needs actions to bring that change.
These actions however, should not be impulsive rather be well pondered over for their consequences. This happens when we start listening to our inner voice and act in alignment with the satisfaction of our soul.

This can be achieved by various techniques of mindfulness, meditation , yogic practices, living a simple life of high morals and ethics, being authentic and honest to ourselves and others.

Any change demands consistent and sincere efforts, for what comes easy doesn’t last long and what lasts long, doesn’t come easy!!

contact us: https://www.yogasthvidyarishikesh.com/

yogasth vidya Rishikesh

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Author's Bio: 

A Life Transforming Academy
Under the aegis of Yogasth Foundation Sri Yogasth Vidyashala is a movement, as well as an academy of spiritual sciences, run under the guidance of yogi Buddhadeva.
It is an international dynamic spiritual and educational institution of yoga, tantra, esoteric and mystic divine kriyas, meditations, healings, and most spiritual sciences. Sri Yogasth Vidyashala is also a virtual academy of Divine Energy Life Coaching and many other spiritual and practical ONLINE courses and programs. The headquarters of Vidyashala is RISHIKESH India; the international capital of Yoga. Teachings of true and authentic yoga and related spiritual sciences are imparted to true seekers who are looking for meanings in their lives. The aim of Vidyashala is to reach as many deserving and desiring people as it can through its in-person and ONLINE programs. Besides its main popular programs, there are hundreds of courses and coaching and training programs to cater to the needs of different individuals who want to excel in life and live in eternal bliss being yogasth. The motto of Vidyashala is Being Blissful Being.