Nothing in the world can take the place of
persistence. Talent will not; nothing is
more common than unsuccessful men with
talent. Genius will not; unrewarded
genius is almost a proverb. Education will
not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are
~Calvin Coolidge

How can you do better in school? Intelligence and a
good memory help, but study skills, persistence, and
dedication constitute the foundation needed to get to
A+. This might be a disappointment for those of you
who were hoping for a magic potion to improve your
GPA. Well, this recipe for success consists of hard
work, commitment, and a basic knowledge of how the
system works

Students going back to school now have a resource to sharpen their acumen by polishing some basic study skills. An A+ is the gateway to a good college of one’s choice, but achieving good grades isn’t just a matter of studying hard alone. There are study skills that can be mastered and put to great use for attaining high academic excellence.

‘Getting to A+’ written by Kirsten Curtis reveals the tips and tricks that are actually used by students from top tier universities, from memorization techniques and how teachers evaluate essays to contesting a grade. The methods discussed have shown their utility in achieving great results, and are thus recommended for all students.

It Written for High Schoolers but, the truth is, this book will help almost anyone. he most unique thing about this book is the detailed description of how having good social skills can help you in school and life.

This book was included in that stack and it honestly had something that none of the others did. The reason that I was drawn to it was that it wasn't some monstrous tome (so I thought I'd just breeze through it quickly and put it down). What I found inside were great studying tips and habits to develop that were written by someone who was faced with the same challenges that I was, and still am, facing. It was easy to read and the changes feel easy to integrate into my daily routine.

You can buy this book from amazon :

About Kirsten Curtis :

Kirsten graduated from high school as valedictorian; she then went on to receive her undergraduate degree from Stanford University and her Master's degree through a partnership program with MIT and the University of Zaragoza, Spain. Throughout her academic career, she used the strategies described in this book to achieve continued academic excellence.

Author's Bio: 

Pritom Das is a tech entrepreneur