Why do people drink fluids after they work out? They get thirsty and the body gets dehydrated. Why does this happen? During exercise , the body loses fluids and minerals that need to be replenished. Also, when the muscles move, the blood and lymphatic systems of the body speed up to increase circulation and move cellular debris out of the body.

According to a famous dermatologist from the east coast, all cellular transactions take place in the presence of water. Water is the lubrication for the body. It keeps all the traffic moving right along. It is my opinion after reading many books on the subject that dehydration is responsible for a large percentage of diseases and disorders and one of the least known of symptoms is pain.

It is estimated that 90% of the population is chronically dehydrated and not because they're not drinking enough fluids, its because they're not drinking enough water. The body only recognizes two things; food and water. Anything outside of water is considered a food. I can't tell you how many of my massage clients say how much they hate drinking water. I of course remind them of the signs of dehydration especially when I know that they are heading for celebratory drinks without having had any water beforehand.

So how does getting a massage compare with exercise and working out? Well we as massage therapists understand the importance of drinking water after a massage but how do we convince our clients? I tell them that getting a massage is the same as working out in that we are increasing the circulation of blood and lymph throughout the body. So how do we motivate them to drink more water on their own way after the massage? I find that sometimes the best way to convince my massage clients that something is in their best interest is to give them visual cues. People relate to stories. Make the information fun and memorable.

I like ask them if they know when they are dehydrated? I tell them that if their liquid output is anything but clear, they are dehydrated and need to drink water until they eliminate clear. Also, to get my massage clients to understand the importance of drinking more water I tell them this, "We shower the outsides of our bodies but we need to shower the inside as well." This usually gets a few laughs and a moment of clarity! We need to rinse the insides of our bodies just as much as the outside. Keeping our bodies well hydrated keeps the cells nice and juicy and keep everything functioning.

I remind my clients after a massage that the most common signs of dehydration are headaches and nausea and also pain. So they realize that if they start to experience any of these signs or symptoms that they can take care of it by drinking more water. Most people mistake dehydration for fatigue. I like to tell massage clients that if they need to perk up after a massage, to drink lots of water as the oxygen in the water will wake them up!

Author's Bio: 

Lea Johnson has been a practicing licensed massage therapist for almost two decades. She is now thrilled to share her no-nonsense advice to other licensed massage practitioners to help them find their own way into their practice or improve the one they have. http://www.greatmassagetips.com