Have you developed body fat around your stomach, chest or buttocks? Nature has provided some superfoods that will help you to lose the fat that has settled onto your body. Our hints will enable you to utilize these foods to their full potential.

A lot of foods contain powerful phytonutrients, which are natural compounds that help protect the body from disease and have considerable health benefits. Superfoods have a high phytonutrient content, and thus their health benefits are correspondingly greater. Delicious and familiar superfoods include fruits, vegetables, fish and tea. Not only are these foods nutritious, but they are also satisfying and help stave off the hunger pangs for longer.

Eating superfoods will assist in your endeavors to lose body fat, as well as helping you avoid eating foods that provide little nutrition or ones that have a high fat content. It is also a good anxiety help. Together with regular exercise , which is an essential, superfoods provide a safe and natural way to lose fat from your body, resulting in a healthy and lighter body.

Below are some of the superfoods, together with information and hints on how to use them:

 Apples

Apples are a tasty fruit, rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C. This fruit also contains pectin, which is a type of cell fiber that aids in digestion. Pectin is used as a thickening agent when fruit is made into jam or jelly, but in this form is of no assistance to the person trying to lose body fat. Apples also consist of carbohydrate or starch, but remember that this carbohydrate is healthy and good for the body.

There are many varieties of apples, with flavors ranging from sour to sweet. A small amount of sweetener added to the green and sour type of apple may add to the pleasant taste.

 Broccoli

People tend to either love or hate this supervegetable, but for someone trying to shed fat it is very useful. Containing many antioxidants, a serving of this filling superfood is made up of just two florets. It can be eaten raw or lightly steamed, or served with a herb flavored dipping sauce of natural yogurt. A good herb to use is dill, which is itself a source of antioxidants.

 Olive Oil

Olive oil is a healthy and natural fat, one of the “good” oils. Very versatile, full of antioxidants, it can used in cooking or as a salad dressing. Olive oil is a Mediterranean dipping oil: mix herbs of your own choice in a small dish of olive oil and dip sticks of toasted whole wheat bread – a tasty and healthy appetizer.

 Wholegrain Seeded Bread

Containing lots of fiber and fatty acids, wholegrain seeded breads are ideal when it comes to losing fat or maintaining a healthy body. This type of bread makes you feel full for longer and is an important aid in any food program as it helps you avoid eating foods with so called empty calories.

 Beans

Beans are one of the most versatile of the superfoods and can be prepared in many ways. They contain protein, fiber, iron and calcium. The tomato sauce in canned baked beans is a good source of lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant.

One of our favorite dishes is bean stew. Cook tomatoes, butter beans, kidney beans, corn, chicken breast (no skin), onions, smoked paprika and olive oil in vegetable or chicken broth, thickened with a little rice flour (the way to avoid lumps in the thickening is to make a paste with flour and hot liquid from the stew before adding it to the main mixture). The great thing about this dish is that you can add any low fat and healthy ingredients, catering for your own taste. However, the most important ingredients are a variety of beans.

 Salmon

Salmon, like all fish, contains protein, vitamins and minerals. As salmon is an oily fish one of the main benefits in eating it is the fact that it is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 is a great tool in preventing heart attacks, with the added bonus of helping you shed body fat.

Brush the salmon with olive oil, sprinkle on herbs and lemon juice. Broil, taking care not to overcook the fish. Quick and easy to make, healthy to eat, salmon is indeed a superfood!

 Tea

A cup of either black or green tea is rich in antioxidants. You may wish to only drink a one cup of tea a day, but several cups a day is quite acceptable.

 Other superfoods
Brazil nuts

 A meal made from the superfoods mentioned above

Appetizer: toasted wholegrain seeded bread dipped in olive oil which has been flavored with dill or any herb that you like.
Main course: broiled salmon with a side of broccoli and bean salad. The salad should be tossed in olive oil, vinegar and herbs .
Dessert: baked apples, cooled and served with sweetened yogurt.
Finish the meal with a cup of tea.
After that meal you should be full, happy and healthy!

Remember that moderation in portion sizing in all foods is the key to healthy eating.

Why do our bodies store fat?

The human body is designed to survive. In times of plenty it stores fat and in times of famine it uses up that fat. This mechanism worked well during the Stone Age, when there was food easily available only during the months of the year with plenty of rain and an abundance of game to hunt. However, during other times there were shortages and starvation was a common occurrence. Nowadays, however, there is usually a constant supply of food, but we still tend to eat as if food was soon going to be scarce. That is why we have to put some thought into what and how we eat.

A fact many people wonder about is why some people are fatter than others. The reasons are diverse and can be attributed to unwise food choices, inherited genes, a body that is getting older, an unwillingness to exercise , side effects of prescribed medications and many more reasons. But on the whole body fat can be lost by eating wisely and superfoods can aid in this process. You will be able to shed that extra weight and at the same time become healthier.

Author's Bio: 

Charles Chang writes for www.stopmanboobs.com This website helps men suffering from gynecomastia. Charles has personal experience of this complaint and now assists other men alleviate their condition.