Freshman Year of College Job Success

It is very crucial during your freshman year of college to understand the importance of putting your right foot forward, on day one of your new job. It is true that first impressions last for a longer period, so your freshman year of college job success is critical. Performance on the new job makes a greater impact on both the employer and other employees. Achieving success with your first job will be key during your freshman year of college.

The fundamental guidelines for achieving success in the new job during your freshman year of college:

Hard work pays greater dividends. There is no substitute or shortcut for achieving success in your new job, especially for college students. The one and only requisite is to slowly work your way up the ladder of success. Never stick to the 9 to 5 time slot of work.

Being punctual will give an impression of good discipline. It is always good to arrive a little early to the work place, as this will help settle down before starting the day’s work. This also shows interest of the employee.

It is also good to show interest in the job. If not understood properly, you can ask for information or guidance from your colleagues or directly from the boss for succeeding in the new job.

Keeping the work place clean will show how organized you are. This can be done by staying a little while after work hours. You can list the actions to be carried out for the next day, without the fear of forgetting things.

Success on the new job, is not achieved just in a day or even months, but it could start working towards success from the day one.

A successful person on the job, does not indulge himself in the politics of the office, or gossip. Observation and listening to others are very important in learning the job properly and effectively. These skills are seen in successful people in their jobs.

It is always good to respect the hierarchy or chain of command; everyone has to report to someone other than themselves. Rebels do not survive on the job, in the longer run. The organization’s mission, objectives and goals need to be known by the employees, in order to develop and improve the objectives of the company.

Adaptation to a new job is very important. Otherwise, you will be the odd man out there. The dress code should be followed according to the rules and regulations of the company. Also, it is good to learn how the business is operated. If designed formally, or informally, and attempt to follow accordingly.
Freshman Year of College Job Success
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Freshman Year of College Job Success

With a little bit of common sense and the urge to succeed, and by following the above guidelines, you can achieve success on the new job during your freshman year of college job success.

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Author's Bio: 

Christine Reidhead is an avid seeker of knowledge and zealous humanitarian who shares an incredible passion for the art of serving the community. Serving as an advocate of education, she aims to enlighten the lives of underserved communities. Christine wants to ignite a positive change among the masses through her passion for community service and the love of sharing others life stories. She is a proud mother to two wonderful boys and strives to be an inspiration to all. Christine presently serves as a Business Professor, Department Chair of Business and Faculty Vice President. She is the Founder and CEO of AfrikRising Nonprofit Organization. Christine is the author of Get That Job! Ace Your Job Interview – every time!