Every web platform targets particular group and therefore it needs to be appropriate and appealing to those very people. In case the website is about professional news reporting, it cannot have animations running amok or loud color schemes. In the same way, if the web platform represents a business, it needs to have characteristics that suit a business website . But businessmen, with their profit & loss minds, are not known for their knack in website or designing and thus the blunders made are justified. However, the problem could be taken care of by considering the below mentioned must-haves.

  • Get The Basic Information Right: Getting the crucial information on the very first page could be a game changer for any business website. For example in case of a restaurant, one could get the main attractions from the menus somewhere it is very noticeable. In addition to this, getting the brick and mortar address of the firm is of prime importance in case of servicing firms. So, getting the basic information right could be a biggie according to the business one is in, of course along with making sure your website design and development company knows that.
  • Navigation: Navigation of a business has to be trouble free and easy to understand. Nothing makes a visitor click at the close button faster than confusing navigation schemes. For this to get right, a business needs to find why does the website is really there. Is it there to inform, to take orders, to request a quote…(I think you got the idea)? So, the key is to keep the navigation simple and clean. Also make sure to use easy-to-get names for different pages.
  • Social Media Integration: Now, I am sure that there is no need of too much delving on this point as everyone knows what it means but still for the sake of it, getting the social media advantage helps in reaching a wider audience and gives popularity to the platform. The idea is ‘more people know, more could be sold’. (Make sure you mention about social media integration to web development company while hiring it)
  • Mobile Friendly Version: Web has seeped into cell phones and thus it is crucial for business websites to have platforms that could run on small screens without falling apart. If global trend is to be looked at, people use their mobiles often to search for eating joints, clubs and other services. So, if a business doesn’t have a website that could adjust to browsers of smaller web devices, it is surely loosing big money.

Last but Not the Least

A web design company is one who cares what you have to say! Now, with a company who think it’s the music and flash animation that makes a website click, one surely is not going to head anywhere. So, it’s crucial to have a web development partner who believes in whatever has been covered above.

This was the whole and soul of the business website development.

Author's Bio: 

About FATbit- It is an Indian Affordable website company catering to global clients with its web services since 2004. With its rich website portfolio , it provides services in content development, web designing, SEO and e-marketing.