A deviated septum surgery is the surgical procedure to align a deviated nasal septum, which in layman’s term is a crooked nose. Not many people have a perfectly straight nose line or septum. Almost 80% of us have off-centered nasal cartilage, ranging from slightly off-center to severe. The misalignment is not usually visible from the outside due to the thick layer of protective skin covering the nose.

A severely deviated septum and sleep apnea disorder have long been interrelated. In this case, the person manifests several life changing symptoms, most of them similar to sleep apnea symptoms. In this case, a deviated septum surgery is highly recommended.

Here are the top five reasons or signs that you need a deviated septum surgery:

1. You’re not sleeping well

You feel tired and sleepy all day long due to restless nights in bed. You may not recognize some of your sleep behavior such as gasping or choking for air, loud and incessant snoring, a lot of movements and sleep interruption, but if you wake up dry mouthed, with a headache, sweaty and feeling dizzy, you are not sleeping well. This is due to the blockage that results from the deviated nasal septum.

2. Chronic facial pains and headaches

Constant headaches and facial pains, usually originating from your nose area is a sign that you need to consult with a doctor, for a possible deviated septum surgery. The deviation renders a lot of strain to the nasal muscles. As the cartilage is favouring one side of your nose, you will tend to have unequal nostril size. One side of the mucosa is likely stretched, causing stress to the tissues, while the other side of the nose will likely to have a squashed turbinate. These physiological imbalances will trigger headaches and other pains.

3. Chronic nasal congestion and other nasal disorders

Continuous nasal drips and other cold-like symptoms like sneezing and headaches could mean that you have a severe case of septum deviation. Incurable cases of sinusitis, rhinitis and other nasal congestion show that your nasal structure is not working as it should. This symptom is usually life-changing as it limits you from certain outdoor activities like picnics and hikes.

4. Nose bleeds

This is a serious warning sign. If you have a visibly crooked nose and experiences unexpected bloody nasal drips, you need a deviated septum surgery as soon as possible. You are most probably experiencing severe headache and tenderness around your nose as well. At this point, he deviated septum is already being infected. This is usual to cases of bumps and severe trauma to the nose, causing the cartilage to deviate or break.

5. Difficulty in breathing

This symptom or sign is valid to both deviated septum and sleep apnea. Your misaligned septum will result to a smaller and bigger nostrils and blockages in the airways will be removed resulting to easy breathing. The deviated septum surgery will work to straighten the septum and to surgically remove all obstructions.

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If you need more information about deviated septum surgery , then make sure to check Douglas Kidder's excellent free report on deviated septum and snoring .