Do you think that you’re the
ideal candidate for the graphics designer or marketing agent position? If you
do then you may have a better chance of landing that job. Bear in mind that a
single mistake can ruin your chances too! Sometimes, job hunters fail to
realise a mistake that leaves a bad impression on the would-be employers.
Therefore, if you think that you’re the perfect candidate for the job, think
again. It is not easy to make a good impression on employers online. Prepare
your online job application before you start searching for the best jobs in free online job search site Odusee.

If you know the mistake you made,
you can always make the necessary adjustments so that you won’t make the same
mistakes all over again. No matter how talented or qualified you are for a
certain job, a wrong impression can be enough to stop you from getting that
job. Always determine the common mistakes that you may make and know what you
have to do to impress the employer. Here are the solutions to the five fatal
mistakes in any online job application:

Employees emphasise loyalty and
commitment. Employees can be quite hesitant to hire someone if the job
applicant’s resume show past jobs lasting only a few months. Even if you have
the skills and expertise to do the jobs, they would have reservations of hiring
someone not in the mood for a long-term commitment. Besides, they don’t want to
spend their time and money to someone who doesn’t want to stay with the company
for a long time.

Before you send your resume to
the best
online job sites
, make sure to check out your online profile and filter out
the jobs where you had short stints. You may have to reinvent your profile by
including a “Tell Us About Yourself” section to minimise the impact of your
spotty working history in landing the job.

When a human resources manager
saw your online profile and decides to call you because he is interested to
talk about your job application, always show that you want the job. You really
want the job, right? Show the enthusiasm and show him that you want it. When
you get the message from an employer, make sure to call back. Check your voice
mail for any missed calls and email for any interview schedule.

Employers want people that they
can truly trust so if you have something to hide then it may cost you the job.
Remember, hiring managers and CEOs want to know more about you so that they can
assess your skills and knowledge if it meet their business objectives. You won’t
get hired if you don’t provide the necessary information, such as where you’ve
worked, what skills you have, and where you went to school. Besides, online
job search engines
won’t be able to provide all the information that
employers want from you so it would be best to put your important personal
details in your CV.

You may have the qualifications
and the skills that the employer is looking for but if you are using a
thought-provoking email, posting explicit-filled Facebook status messages, or
using titillating profile pictures then you’re in big trouble. If you’re
serious about getting a job, make sure that your potential employers won’t get
access your personal accounts in social networking sites with such content.
Present yourself as a professional and decent employee to work with.

Check your resume for any
mistakes and typographical errors before you send an email to a prospective
employer. Any online
job finder
would agree that sending the wrong information might also ruin
your job prospects. This is especially important if your job entails a lot of
writing and editing work.

Author's Bio: 

Jacques Vaughn talks about employment issues such as job hunting and career transition for the benefit of Aussies out there.