Finding Your Way To Therapyby Nancy M. Turcich, NTS, RPP, RPE

In 1982, I fell off a cliff in southern Illinois. Soon after, I decided to go with the flow of life and not question everything that came my way. Following my fall and subsequent recovery, I enrolled in a pre-Physical Therapy program at Northern Illinois University, but was denied matriculation into the full-time curriculum. Massage school materialized as an alternate path to my future. That’s when my eyes were opened to the fascinating world of holistic healing.
The cliff trauma left me with a highly spastic body. Daily bodywork in therapy school slowly but surely guided my nervous system toward a state of calm and I found reprieve from my discomfort. However, every day was not a good day. I learned that immediate bliss doesn’t always accompany therapy, sometimes a healing crisis hitched a ride. A healing crisis happens when we go from a state of chaos to order and we feel worse before we feel better. It takes us through our old issues and sets us free. Of course, that insight escaped me as I worked through it, but afterwards the rewards were great and easily recognizable. The ride was worthwhile once I realized that I never had to revisit that particular aspect of ill-feeling again.
For years following my “accident” I felt fragmented. It was as if some aspects of my inner world were full, while others remained very empty. To the outside world, I was whole and healed. Everyone close to me thought I was crazy because the view from the surface appeared to be fine. After recovering from paralysis I could walk and get around on my own. Yet, as I reached more deeply inward I felt there were far more accomplishments my body could achieve. It was around that time that I actively searched for my first therapist.
I called the Chicago chapter of the American Massage Therapy Association for a reference. As it turned out, I was referred to a doctor who in turn passed on a therapist’s name. Our initial contact was by phone.
At our first face-to-face meeting, I described my pain, discomfort, and imbalance. Everything that came out of my mouth was acknowledged with a nod from the therapist. She not only responded to my words, she perceived how my body tissue encased my rigid frame. Relief swept over me as I recognized that I found a friendly ear. I quickly decided that I had indeed found my therapist. We scheduled sessions on a weekly basis.
The therapist I chose administered a combination of massage therapy, aromatherapy , and craniosacral therapy. With her help, I began working through my spinal injury and my body started to settle. As she manipulated my cranium, I experienced a release that was core deep, as if layers of trauma were peeled away and tossed in the trash. Totally immersed in my sensations, I realized the depth of my trauma. In that moment, the inner wisdom of my body blew my mind.
I continued to work with my therapist for years. Due to the intensity of my spinal trauma, it took a considerable amount of time to reintegrate my nervous system. As my body healed the time between sessions lengthened. Eventually, nearly three weeks divided my treatments. Additionally, I took an active role in my healing. Weekly or bimonthly sessions were not the only thing that sustained my recovery from paralysis and spinal injury. Swimming, stretching, walking, breathing exercises, visualizations, aromatherapy , and journaling all contributed to my healing process.
As I’ve traveled around the country many people have asked me how to find a therapist who does what I do. A laugh is usually my first response. I chuckle because only I do what I do. There are therapists who follow similar modalities, but each therapist is unique.
A therapist’s contact information may be found through brochures, magazines, books , lectures, network groups, and the phone book. Local health food stores, yoga studios, or health clubs may also display therapist’s cards or brochures. A personal recommendation from a friend, a relative, a physical therapist or a physician is by far the best way to find a therapist.
In today’s technological age, the internet is a good reference source.
Prices, hours, rates, contact information, and more circulate on the superhighway. Although websites and brochures provide information as well as photos, they cannot capture the essence of the human being. Therefore, contact by phone is recommended. Hearing the voice of the therapist and posing questions that pertain to their individual needs allows a client to determine if there is a connection. Questions such as: What type of treatment do they provide? What type of therapy do they do; i.e. massage , energy work, aromatherapy , etc.? Have they worked with specific problem areas? Given a brief client history, how would they work with you? How long have they been providing bodywork? If the client doesn’t like what they hear over the phone, they usually won’t identify with the therapist in person. Connection is key to a good working therapeutic relationship.
Finding a therapist takes time and persistence. It may even take a few paid sessions to find the person who is right for you. Once you do find your therapist, life surely takes off in the right direction.

For more details about holistic therapy and Nancy’s experience with healing refer to her book... “Finding My Way From Paralysis To A Rich, Full Life.”

Reproduction of articles are permitted by Nancy M. Turcich, NTS, RPP, RPE, author and holistic bodyworker, with acknowledgments and credentials included.

For further information please contact Nancy @ Natural Massage Therapy at 928-717-1251, .

All articles are for informational/educational purposes only. This information does not take the place of current treatment plans nor medications prescribed. Always consult your physician to determine the most beneficial course of treatment for your individual needs.

Disclaimer: All of the material provided by is for educational purposes only. This information does not replace medication nor present treatment programs. Please consult medical personnel if you are presently under a physicians care, if you are taking medication, or need additional medical care.

Author's Bio: 

Nancy M. Turcich, owner and operator of Natural Massage Therapy, has been a Natural Therapeutic Specialist (NTS) since 1986. As a graduate of The New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics, she became intrigued by Polarity Therapy. Nancy is a Registered Polarity Practitioner (RPP) & Educator (RPE). She is a published author of two books, “One Of Eight-my perspective on our brother’s suicide” & “Finding My Way From Paralysis To A Rich, Full Life,” that can be found at . Mirroring the theme of her second book, Nancy assists her clientele and students to find their way.