Transformational leadership is the ability to guide a team on day to day activities to achieve a common purpose. This can be achieved through various methods:

Idealized Influence: This is about winning confidence from followers or employees and providing modeling roles and influencing them to accept any change in an organization.

This is true since employees who trust their leader's virtues will more likely accept changes proposed by that leader. This is an ideal form of transformational leadership since it highly depends on the character of the leader. And it takes both the leader and subjects to make it work.

Inspirational motivation : As far as idealized influence is concerned, charisma helps as the main motivating factor while being inspirational and motivational about influencing the entire company towards following a new idea.

Transformational leaders take time to explain to their subordinates about the new idea by clearly stating the facts about it and pointing out how it will be able to bring positive results to the organization. They challenge the minds of their subordinates by encouraging them to think wider and become a team towards implementation of the new culture. This is done through presentations, motivational conversations and showing optimism and enthusiasm about the ideas.

Intellectual stimulation: This is done by encouraging followers to rethink past assumptions and myths. This involves changing the employees' point of view about the problems at hand and analyzing their capacity to tackle them. They encourage employees to innovate and create new ways of solving the problems.

Individualized consideration: By employing individualized consideration, a leader takes into mind the factors that directly affect the employees' performance. These may be their unique and specific needs in a bid to give them his/her confidence and make sure they are part of the transformation process of the company.

In this case, effort is generated towards harnessing individual's talent and knowledge by making maximum use of them in the transformation process. This might be achieved by showing appreciation and thanking individuals for their specific contribution towards the transformation and taking career cancelling. Secondly, workload-load can be re-distributed.

Transactional Leadership assumes the work done-work rewarded theory. And hence, it focuses on designing targets and objectives and rewarding all efforts and structures.

Through individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, charisma and inspirational motivation , leaders are empowered to uplift their performance in terms of improving employee's individual performance and overall organizational growth. Through this method, cooperate success is achieved and performance is taken to a new level. In an ever growing uncertain world of instability and weak markets for businesses, this kind of leadership is most welcome to achieve cooperate success.

At any point in time, individual growth capacity and organizational transformation must be in tune with some sense of morality. In this case, the transformational leadership shapes an organization socially and promotes institutional cultures that can potentially liberate a company from dangerous situations. Transformational leadership is used in most organizations and makes things happen to achieve the set targets and goals.

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