If you are one of the millions of people in this fast paced society who have developed sleep problems there is an alternative to taking drugs - you probably just don't know about it. It's a 50 year old science with an unblemished safety record that was designed to work with your body’s natural electrical component to gently and easily, and without unpleasant side effects, help you to distress and reprogram your body so that you can fall asleep easily and naturally, stay asleep longer and wake up feeling refreshed.

The technology is called CES, cranial electrotherapy stimulation. It has been licensed in the USA for more than 20 years for use in medical devices to treat insomnia, anxiety and depression . You see our bodies are both electrical and chemical. Amazed? When you stop to realize that diagnostic equipment is all electrical, it starts to make abundant sense. Until this technology became available most doctors advised to either learn to meditate, take up yoga , give up coffee or swallow a pill. They knew that drugs were not a permanent solution, because they leave the bloodstream within 12-24 hours but, at least they got you out of their office.

CES technology was actually invented in Russia more than 50 years ago and originally called “electrosleep.” The concept behind it was to introduce very minute electro stimulation through the earlobes in order to reach the body’s natural sleep clock and re-set it – much like changing the batteries in a real clock. Research and clinical trials over the last 36 years in the US has shown that this method not only corrects sleep problems but also reduces stress and tension, symptoms which all seem to be linked and which usually therefore disappear together.

When a device built with CES technology is used for as little as 30 minutes in the evening, while watching TV or reading, for many people the difference can be felt immediately, while for the rest within a short 2-6 weeks. By that time your body should be ready to again do what it was always intended to do, give you the natural cues you need to fall asleep easily and stay asleep for 6-8 hours, every night.

You can read the research on CES in the recently published book by one of its pre-eminent researchers Ray Smith PhD., in his book "Cranial Electrotherapy Stimuatlion, the first Fifty Years plus Three, a Monograph."

Author's Bio: 

Tova Greenberg is the mother of two daugthers and a self taught expert on the subject of sleep. She delved into this research to help her husband deal with his severe sleep problems brought on as a result of more than a decade of suffering with chronic pain. She launched The Sleep Genie in Canada more than 3 years ago and the company has built a strong reputation due to the effectivenss of its device.