In the year of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States, the loved ones of all victims are brought to mind, as well as the military and their families , for whom sacrifice is a way of life.

According to the National Military Family Association, “There are nearly 1.8 million children of active duty, National Guard, and Reserve parents. Deployments are not new to military families , but since 9/11 many parents have been deploying, sometimes on multiple tours, to combat zones for months or more than a year at a time. Service members also frequently go on Temporary Duty (TDY), which can range from a few days to six months. Separation has become a way of life for these families .”

Feng Shui ’s healing and supportive impacts create an atmosphere of calm and positive feeling regardless of whether the living space represents a familiar place or an entirely new living environment. Enhance grounding for young people who initially may struggle with a sense of belonging by considering the Earth element by using colors such as tan, brown, green or yellow.
To activate stability, such items as rocks, nature art, sand and crystals add a dash of interest and texture.

Cultivating a helpful relationships at school and within the community and household by using the bagua map which can be found at to find the right front corner of a room or house and using black, white or silver accents in that area to ignite supportive bonds and integrated experiences. Find the back middle of your space and add splashes of red to enhance reputation in the outer worlds of school and community, employing the critical fire element of Feng Shui practice. A lamp and items representing achievement , such as certificates and photos will further enhance positive flow in the areas of public profile and reputation.

Children of military families shoulder greater responsibilities, often sacrificing activities and study time to assist in the duties of running a household. They possess a unique life perspective of great breadth and depth. Creating a space for them that feels like their own while offering comfort, calm and stability can be accomplished through simple intention and the easy and accessible help of Feng Shui .

Author's Bio: 

Yvonne is certified with Feng Shui Institute International and has trained with world famous Feng Shui Master Lillian Too. As owner of Creative Color & Design, she incorporates Feng Shui principles into both residences and businesses, from small businesses to large corporations. Please visit or email for more information.