Summer is finally here – and so is the weight you packed on while hiding away from the winter’s cold and spring’s showers. More than half of the U.S. population is facing this problem where they have gained extra, unwanted weight during the off-season (kind of good news for me since I can help them get that body back).

But for those people who don't have access to me or a gym , here are some tips you can follow to lose the extra weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle for summer:

Walk and Push Up – You start by standing straight, then slowly crawl into a push up position and proceed to do a push up. Then slowly return to the start position. This creates a stronger upper and core body muscles.

Squats – Squatting is actually really sexy. You start in a squat position and hop with your feet together and then land back in a squatting position. This tones and shapes your thighs and butt. For ladies, this gives you the opportunity to show you’re your booty area.

Ab-Mission – Lie flat on your back, hands under your butt, then lift feet about 12 inches off the ground and spread your legs, then bring back down together. This works out your lower abs, thighs and increases flexibility.

Hip Lifts - With (small medicine) ball between knees, slowly lift your hips while your feet stay flat on ground. Your hips should slowly rise off the ground. This works your hamstring, butt, lower back, and squeezing ball can make certain areas of the female body tighter.

And those who lost weight and want to learn more about how to dress yourself for your new body, I highly recommend meeting with David A. McKnight , certified image consultant and a published fashion stylist in NYC and owns his lifestyle image consulting agency DAMstyle . Even if you're not in NYC, he's great and can offer great styling and dressing advice via e-mail or phone. Here are some of his tips for dressing this summer to fit your new, healthier body:

(Sometimes, overall body weight can result in a reduction in breasts size)

Small Chest - To camouflage a small bust, you want to add dimension and volume over the bust by wearing ruffles, bows, layers, or draping. You shouldn’t do all three, just select one. The key isn’t to overdo it.

(Sometimes, your breast remain large while your body reduces mass)

Large Bust - If you have a large bust, avoid wearing short sleeves that end at the apex of the bust, as this only draws the eye to the bust. Instead, opt for a capped sleeve or a 3/4 length sleeve. A wide leg pant adds the volume needed to balance a larger bust.

(Sometimes genes play a factor and this section is hard to work out or reduce in size)

Large Middle - If you have a larger mid-section, always look for pants that have a straight crease and a slightly wider straight leg. The crease will elongate the body, while the wider leg will balance the larger mid-section. When shopping, look for structured jackets or shirts with a taut fabric, as opposed to a draping fabric. A fitted blazer or jacket worn open adds visual length, while camouflaging the mid-section. Try wearing this with a v-neck top underneath to add an addition vertical line while keeping the attention focused on the face.

Remember, being healthy and fashionable isn't about being the rail thin or super buff as I always encourage a nutritious diet and exercise regime (after approval from your doctor) that will help you maintain your body’s ideal weight (again ask a doctor). Even the fashion expert agrees.

“Looking good isn’t about being the skinniest girl or the most muscular guy, it’s about wearing clothes with confidence,” says McKnight . “An average shaped woman, wearing a tight green neon tank with a mini skirt can make that fashion statement look fierce if she wears it with confidence, not cockiness. Some people just need my help to find the right looks to give them that boost of confidence that will help them appreciate their bodies more this summer.”

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