As these articles pertain to spirituality and the meaning of life there are some questions that come up repeatedly. It does not mean there are definitive answers, but one can try to respond to them.

A logical question would be to ask where the author gets his information. Here is a synopsis of the spiritual background of the author:

Was an active guest at an Orthodox Monastery for about 2 1/2 years
Worked in office assisting an Abbot (Head of the Monastery) for about 2 1/2 years
At the Monastery there were 17 services per week, regular Bible study, regular A.A. meetings, lectures from the Abbot. Wrote the standard operating procedures for the Monastery.
Has been regular contact for 4 3/4 years with various clergy and those who went to Seminary
Avid reader of spirituality and history (Favorites: Marianne Williamson and Dr. James Dobson).
The Monastery changed into an Orthodox House Of Hospitality; guest for about 2 1/4 years.

With that brief overview of a background, the following are responses by the author (from others) to some of the questions that have come up the most in spiritual life:

1. Why does life involve so much suffering?

As God's ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9), the Bible tells us that this is part of earthly life for a believer. The best response heard is that God does not want us to suffer for the sake of suffering, but for the sake of redemption, to make our lives for meaningful. This is to prepare us to spend eternity with him, as he is omnipotent.

2. Is there life after death ?

The Bible says there is life after death , and that life is spiritual. Part of the richness of reading the Bible is not in analyzing the content, but in taking God at his word. The Bible tells us that Jesus overcame death and a "new Jerusalem" is waiting.

3. Where did evil come from?

The Bible states that what God created was good. One theory proposed by those with knowledge states that evil is the absence of good. This means God did not have to directly create it. Human free will and the inheritance of sin from Adam are large parts of the sources of evil.

4. How do I find my purpose for life?

There is no one easy answer. The best responses include reading and applying God's word, praying, listening to your conscience and trying to utilize what talents God gave you to help others. It is important to remember that, as a creature of God, there is a purpose for you in the universe, even if you can not determine it now. It might only be revealed in the next life.

Unsatisfactory Answers To Difficult Questions

While these answers might not be satisfactory to some people, it is important to remember that religion is a mystery. If were considered something like a "puzzle", then direct answers could be given. We should also remember that God wants humans to have faith , so he does not reveal everything.

Author's Bio: 

Website author of the Meaning Of Life, from a spiritual perspective. Prior Monastery guest, spiritual reader who is regularly in touch with those who went to Seminary.