Painting is one the most cost-effective ways to give a much required facelift to a home. If you reside in an apartment we will suggest you hire apartment painting experts who have the know-how and expertise in dealing with exterior painting requirements. Although the process is not easy, exterior painters know exactly how to paint the exteriors of an apartment. A lot of science and art goes into painting the exteriors of an apartment. The experts will pre-plan and organise the strategies before implementing them.

When it comes to apartment painting in North Shore professionals will make a master plan during which they will consider a wide variety of factors. Even weather elements are major determinants which painters consider during exterior painting. The different steps involving apartment painting are as follows:

Cleaning a Surface

The most important thing is cleaning the exterior wall surface. Painters will first wash the surface using a pressure washer followed by which they will allow the wet wall to settle for a while. This settling time is crucial. It allows impurities and dust to absorb water as a result of which the dirt and impurities are easily cleaned. Later the experts will apply a second round of pressure washing. The second round of pressure washing is vital as it saves excess energy required in scraping the surface.

Preparing the Surface

After pressure washing the exterior walls are prepared for the next step. Small holes and cracks are filled at this stage. While scraping the walls, painters in Castle Hill scrape off loose paint. Sometimes when the walls are too damaged to be scraped perfectly, the experts will fill the areas.


Priming is a vital step of painting. It is performed before a coat of paint is applied to the surface. Priming helps the paint to stick to the surface and hence is crucial. Primer extends life of paint as it acts as a preparatory coat.

Choosing the Right Exterior Paint

When it comes to residential house painting in Mosman what is vital is choosing a paint which will last long. Householders should opt for quality over quantity to ensure the investment turns out profitable over the years. For exterior painting, professionals choose emulsion paint otherwise called as water based paint. While picking a suitable exterior paint is a strong factor influencing the overall process another determinant which painters consider is the weather condition prevailing in the region. Remember, acrylic emulsion paint is formulated to withstand medium to heavy rainfall.

Painting Tools

Vital as they are, the painting brush/rollers/sprayers are the ultimate things which add to the finesse of the job. The smoothness of a painted surface depends widely on the kind of tools used. Sprayers are used as they help save time and energy. However painters should be careful when it comes to choosing high-power sprayers.

These sprayers have a tendency to leave gaps or over spray paint on certain areas. Meanwhile, the paint brush is an ideal tool for applying paint on window edges and doors and various narrower areas. When the surface area is wider, the roller comes to the rescue of a professional painter. Sometimes a combination of these painting tools helps in achieving a smoother coat without expending too much time and energy on the job.

After completing the exterior painting job, professionals should conduct a survey on the area to find out if the finishing is good. Unpainted areas must be painted for an impressive finishing.

Author's Bio: 

The author runs a painters company in Castle Hill. In recent times the author has been shedding light on various aspects related to house painting.