About Face
Physiognomy – Facial Recognition Techniques
by Sharyn Abbott
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could look at anyone the first time you meet them and know exactly how they process information? You’d know how fast or slow to talk, how to draw them out and make sure they hear what you’re saying and know what is important to them.
There is a science that has been available since Aristotle’s time called Physiognomy. It is an inspired fascinating combination between physical traits and their behavior and ability to process communications.
Not many people paid much attention to this science early on, but in the early 30’s Judge Edward Jones in Los Angeles began to track his predictions as to whether someone was guilty or not, based strictly on their facial traits. He had an uncanny accuracy rate based on the results of the jury’s findings. Eventually he stepped down from his seat in the court to study the effects of facial recognition techniques and eventually published a book to educate others in the science.
Although there are more than 360 traits in which you are able to evaluate a person, Judge Jones focused on the top 68 traits that he felt were the most prominent and easiest to remember. His research eventually proved to have a 92% accuracy rate.
These facial recognition techniques can be used to engage an audience, remove the barriers people often develop when meeting someone for the first time and create a faster rapport with those you choose to do business with.
Imagine what a difference you could make as an event planner if you could recognize which person you could rely on to assist you in case of an emergency; who could engage others around them to make the event more cohesive and successful or even who to identify who might be the inevitable heckler. You would be able to usurp possible mishaps and retain control over your environment.
On the flip side, what can you do to ensure your event is well received and instigates conversations long after the event has concluded? Create content that is unique and thought provoking. It becomes harder each year to create memorable events and it is the ultimate challenge.
No matter what event you have planned, the entertainment factor is the largest component in producing success.

Sharyn is a speaker and trains keynote speakers through the U.S. since 1992.
Sharyn Abbott www.sharynabbott.com
925 939-1801

Author's Bio: 

Sharyn's credentials include a lifetime of entrepreneurial success, in addition to an extensive business consulting background. She is also a prolific writer with many popular books like Create Your Own Reality - The Ancient Wisdom, which is dedicated to help people live their life on purpose, Mixing it Up, her book that is designed to lead entrepreneurs towards success, J.O.B.S. Just Over Broke Syndrome for anyone who has ever thought about starting their own business, Making a List and Checking it Twice an inspirational guide to help singles choose a great mate and Be Your Own Boss Guide which is an in-depth look into finding the right business for the right personality and her first children's book, The Adventures of Master Pineapple.
She has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show where she was featured for her innovative concepts on positive communication techniques; on Contra Costa TV discussing her years of dedication in assisting entrepreneurs in making their businesses more successful; on Business 2000 Television, a show broadcast throughout the Bay Area; on Channel 44's Working at Home where Sharyn talked about the pitfalls of isolation that occur with some Homebased businesses; and on Minding Your Business, a nationally syndicated radio program with Michael Lee.
Ms. Abbott was featured as a keynote speaker at the Money Fair, a homebased business trade show, which closely relates to her avocation for entrepreneurship.
She is the founder of Elite Leads Business Development, the largest entrepreneurial educational program in the Bay Area.
Sharyn presents communications topics on cruises lines as on board entertainment.
She has been speaking since 1992 when her mentor took her to a Lion's Club meeting and then informed her that she was the guest speaker. Rather than disappoint her mentor, she took the podium even though Sharyn doesn't remember a word she spoke. Within a year of speaking at various service organizations, she received a great compliment. One of the attendees had seen her six months before and told Sharyn "If I hadn't heard you speak I would have had to give up my business and take a job."
From that point on Ms. Abbott was hooked. She believes it is an amazing privilege to be able to affect people in a positive nature through public speaking.
Sharyn has more than 20 years experience working in the corporate environment. Her sales skills led to more than 6 years awards as one of the top ten out of the 300 national sales team in a Fortune firm. Ms. Abbott has provided training in most of the Fortune firms in the Bay Area and western states including Bechtel, Chevron, Hewlett Packard, GE, Varian, Borden, Watkins-Johnson, Apex, Tab Products, Century 21, Uniglobe Franchise, Macaroni Bar & Grill, Associated Grocers, Boeing, Bayer and Skaggs to name a few.