Evolving Through Healthy Detachment

Many Buddhist practitioners claim that the chief cause of suffering stems from any form of attachment; therefore, the converse would also be true, that to experience a sense of peace and well- being would emerge from a process of healthy detachment and self-awareness.

If we allow ourselves to become too absorbed or reliant on something or someone, then we compromise our well being by ignoring or shattering our healthy boundaries. The reason that this is unhealthy is because when we function with unclear boundaries, we don’t honor our integrity or personal energy, which impedes our optimal functioning. This is somewhat like an unnecessary sacrifice that then causes cycles of resentment, which is itself a form of attachment. In fact, it may not be recognized as such, which is why it can be so detrimental to our state of well -being. The feeling is anchored by negativity and absorbed as self -condemnation.

So how might we evolve through a healthy detachment process? Essentially it is about transforming the Ego Consciousness into an expansive Spiritual Consciousness, as those on a Spiritual Path already know. Your inner brilliance can only come through awakened creativity , ingenuity and embracing a sense of fearlessness. It spontaneously emerges from a place of eternal wisdom . Yes, it is your expression of innate potential though it still comes from the divine source of all energy. You are that vehicle through which it emerges just as the birds’ wings enable them to fly.

We can learn a great deal on natural detachment if we allow our Spirit to lighten up and trust in the movements of the universe. When we watch the birds fly, they demonstrate this principle metaphorically by their inner inspiration and gentle impulses that guide them on their journey. Their mere presence graces us as they flap their wings without fear of flying. Their wings are the vehicle that take them in flight.

Collectively they create unique synchronistic images embedded by sky. Their magnificent spontaneity conveys connectedness, confidence and creative elegance too. Their moving magic is like a graceful dance that really can’t be adequately described. They see beyond our landscape with clear vision above. Their perspective from flying is enlivening for their Spirit as well as ours.

If we take the time to notice, they chirp and sing divine messages that are gifts for our Soul. They don’t think about their past or future. The present moment is what they fully realize as they glide with an immediacy of knowing. They have a forward vision and continue their flying without any worry. This is why I say that we can learn so much from the birds because they harmonize and embody freedom from all attachments. They may not know what their flight pattern will be since they instinctively trust their creation as the moment unfolds. They have a species- specific communication that guides them on behalf of their safety and best interests. Without any attachments, they soar through the sky.

This metaphor is about us learning to use our own wings in the moment! Of course we can learn valuable insights from the past if we willingly choose to. Though, we know that the past has passed and that we would suffer much less if we let it remain there. We can only cherish the moment if we choose to live in the moment.

Evolving through an enlightened detachment means that only you can set yourself free. When you embrace your own life meaning, then your Spirit too has wings to fly.

Author's Bio: 

Moreen (MSW, CC) integrates a holistic Mind, Body, Spirit philosophy in all her endeavors. She has enjoyed working in clinical and non -clinical settings with individuals of all age. She is a Life Purpose Coach, Heart Centered Hypnotherapist, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), EMDR Level II as well as a Masters’ level Reiki Practitioner. She has training in Family Systems Theory and Parenting Education, as she herself is a parent to 2 grown daughters.

Moreen is currently dedicating her time to writing metaphysical and self-help literature. Her chapter, Self Trust, Self Care, Self Signature is featured in The Confident Woman (2013 Professional Woman Publishing). Other work to be published during 2014 includes her chapter entitled “Rebalance Your Reality” in The Female Leader, “Inner Wisdom” in Baby Boomers: Secrets for Life after 50 (Professional Woman Publishing). She is publishing her own book (anthology format,) Divine Dimensions: Expressions In Daily Life, and also co-author of Your Heart’s Magical Journey (production phase).