Some people handle change smoothly and easily, like a swan gliding across a lake. Other people fight mightily against it, as though trying to paddle through churning, swirling white water rapids. What makes one person's journey nearly effortless, or even enjoyable, while another person's is fraught with struggle and resistance? The difference is perspective.

Often in life, we focus outside of ourselves to examine areas where there are problems or challenges, when we should be focusing within. I'm not negating that there are challenges surrounding us -- there definitely are. And I'm not saying that there aren't problems out in the world that are hard to handle -- there are. But the way to powerfully transform them is by connecting to God's life force energy that's pulsing within us.

We have hardly any control of transforming something when we put it outside of ourselves. The transformation comes from inside. It comes from our God-given inspiration . It happens from connecting to the Divine energy within us, and then receiving that knowing of what to do, where to go, what choices to make -- because this energy creates thought. All energy creates thought. Our thoughts are a form of Divine energy. Actions are likewise a form of Divine energy.

Everything you see around you was first created through thought triggered by Divine inspiration -- the chair you're sitting in, the television you watch, even the paint on your walls -- someone initially had a thought to craft it. And through that Divinely inspired thought, action occurred. So we need to recognize that our thoughts generate a reality that we eventually witness all around us. It may not happen instantly, but those thoughts will create our world.

You may very likely have had painful experiences that caused you to doubt your ability to handle change. You have that warning bell going off so loud you're literally drawing circumstances of distrust to yourself, until you can shift your way of thinking about life and its experiences.

We're completely responsible for the thoughts we think and the words we speak, and whether or not they're in alignment with God. As we connect to this power and energy that is so readily accessible to each and every one of us, think of how far we can go. Think of the amazing shifts that can happen -- shifts that we don't fear or shun, but that we embrace and appreciate.

What is energy? Is it caffeine? Red Bull? A sugar surge? No, this is a different type of energy that I'm talking about here. This is energy with a capital E. It's that Godly life force that the Universe, everything, and everyone exists within -- and that exists within each and every one of us. Even within people you may not like! And when you connect with this Divine Energy, it ignites and expands exponentially. Your creativity and life condition will soar, and you will be more in alignment with the ebb and flow of change.

When you consider that we have a connection to that Godly Energy that informs and sustains our Universe, that's mighty high intelligence -- it's downright supreme intelligence. So if we can get ourselves to the point where we live in connection to God's higher intelligence, then our everyday decisions will come from a place of immense wisdom and knowledge -- wisdom and knowledge that is aware of how life's currents flow all the time.

Science has even proven the existence of this Energy field, where human beings connect as one all over the world. As a single thought appears, that Energy is suddenly magnetized to appear in someone else, and in someone after them, and so forth. And all of these thoughts rapidly unite, and new action is taken. Consider the extraordinary advancements in technology that have taken place in the last 20 or 30 years -- or even faster. One person's thought blossomed into another person's thought, until they merged to create amazing technological inventions, such as computers and cell phones.

For centuries, it was assumed that to attain that level of advanced awareness and openness to change you had to go live in a cave, or on a remote mountaintop -- that it was only available to sages and saints, possibly over the courses of many lifetimes. But now anyone from any walk of life can rapidly access this sacred connection that empowers us to work in harmony with the Divine to navigate life's changes.

So whatever you've assumed is your highest potential can actually be exceeded -- and with this acceleration will come an increased aptitude for change. You'll find that you'll arrive at greater solutions for life's challenges -- because, unfortunately, challenges aren't going to disappear. But instead of seeming like giant boulders flung into your path, they'll be reduced to small speed bumps that you'll be able to handle.

As you come into contact with this Divine state of higher intelligence, you'll dissolve limiting beliefs related to your talents, skills and intellect that may have been holding you back from thinking you could cope with change. Just the mere thought that you can access more begins to open that door to making accessing more a reality. And the good news is that once your perspective on change shifts, that shift can keep expanding even more -- the possibilities are infinite!happens from connecting to the Divine energy within us, and then receiving that knowing of what to do, where to go, what choices to make -- because this energy creates thought. All energy creates thought. Our thoughts are a form of Divine energy. Actions are likewise a form of Divine energy.

Everything you see around you was first created through thought triggered by Divine inspiration -- the chair you're sitting in, the television you watch, even the paint on your walls -- someone initially had a thought to craft it. And through that Divinely inspired thought, action occurred. So we need to recognize that our thoughts generate a reality that we eventually witness all around us. It may not happen instantly, but those thoughts will create our world.

You may very likely have had painful experiences that caused you to doubt your ability to handle change. You have that warning bell going off so loud you're literally drawing circumstances of distrust to yourself, until you can shift your way of thinking about life and its experiences.

We're completely responsible for the thoughts we think and the words we speak, and whether or not they're in alignment with God. As we connect to this power and energy that is so readily accessible to each and every one of us, think of how far we can go. Think of the amazing shifts that can happen -- shifts that we don't fear or shun, but that we embrace and appreciate.

What is energy? Is it caffeine? Red Bull? A sugar surge? No, this is a different type of energy that I'm talking about here. This is energy with a capital E. It's that Godly life force that the Universe, everything, and everyone exists within -- and that exists within each and every one of us. Even within people you may not like! And when you connect with this Divine Energy, it ignites and expands exponentially. Your creativity and life condition will soar, and you will be more in alignment with the ebb and flow of change.

When you consider that we have a connection to that Godly Energy that informs and sustains our Universe, that's mighty high intelligence -- it's downright supreme intelligence. So if we can get ourselves to the point where we live in connection to God's higher intelligence, then our everyday decisions will come from a place of immense wisdom and knowledge -- wisdom and knowledge that is aware of how life's currents flow all the time.

Science has even proven the existence of this Energy field, where human beings connect as one all over the world. As a single thought appears, that Energy is suddenly magnetized to appear in someone else, and in someone after them, and so forth. And all of these thoughts rapidly unite, and new action is taken. Consider the extraordinary advancements in technology that have taken place in the last 20 or 30 years -- or even faster. One person's thought blossomed into another person's thought, until they merged to create amazing technological inventions, such as computers and cell phones.

For centuries, it was assumed that to attain that level of advanced awareness and openness to change you had to go live in a cave, or on a remote mountaintop -- that it was only available to sages and saints, possibly over the courses of many lifetimes. But now anyone from any walk of life can rapidly access this sacred connection that empowers us to work in harmony with the Divine to navigate life's changes.

So whatever you've assumed is your highest potential can actually be exceeded -- and with this acceleration will come an increased aptitude for change. You'll find that you'll arrive at greater solutions for life's challenges -- because, unfortunately, challenges aren't going to disappear. But instead of seeming like giant boulders flung into your path, they'll be reduced to small speed bumps that you'll be able to handle.

As you come into contact with this Divine state of higher intelligence, you'll dissolve limiting beliefs related to your talents, skills and intellect that may have been holding you back from thinking you could cope with change. Just the mere thought that you can access more begins to open that door to making accessing more a reality. And the good news is that once your perspective on change shifts, that shift can keep expanding even more -- the possibilities are infinite!

Author's Bio: 

I've always loved rock music -- its power, its passion, its energy. I love spirituality, and its practical applications, for the same reasons -- its profound energy, its tremendous power, its soul-stirring passion. Rock music can quietly move you with its soft ballads, or catapult you to the heights of euphoria with thunderous melodies. Spirituality possesses these same qualities, and all the nuances in between. I contribute to many metaphysical and self-realization websites, and I edited a renowned book by a distinguished transcendent teacher. I'm grateful that I can use my writing talent to convey messages of spirituality, as well as self-improvement and personal development. Spirituality, with its strong, soundless resonation, is the music that courses through my body, mind and soul.