Dru Yoga Background

Mansukh Patel, along with John Jones, Annie Jones, Rita Goswami, Chris Barrington – fellow students at Bangor University, UK – brought Dru Yoga into the West in the late 1970’s, having been trained by Mansukh’s parents, Chhaganbhai and Echhaben Patel.

Mansukh’s parents had worked with Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha movement in India. Custodians of the Dru Yoga tradition, their guidance helped Mansukh, Chris, Rita, John and Annie fashion Dru Yoga and Gandhi’s ideas on self-sufficiency into a uniquely effective tool for modern western society.

While western society has great material wealth, it is almost impoverished at the emotional and more spiritual levels of human experience. Mansukh’s parents, as well as Mansukh, Chris, Annie and colleagues therefore tailored their Dru yoga to give practitioners a wide-ranging set of tools to control their own well-being – emotionally, mentally, spiritually – and of course, physically.

In this DVD therefore, as in any Dru Yoga session, you’ll gain fast, effective, easy-to-apply tools that help you bring your emotions back into control, turn negative thoughts into positive and keep you feeling physically on top of the world. Mansukh Patel, Rita Goswami and Chris Barrington, prime shapers of the Dru Yoga Teacher Training Course, therefore used techniques from the Dru tradition that would help stressed-out westerners relax, recentre, and reconnect with their own creativity and purpose.

Mansukh’s parents encouraged the team to learn western health-related professions to further their ability to present Dru’s penetrating insights into the structure of the human body-mind-emotion energy system in the context of the modern knowledge-base. Mansukh Patel

became an osteopath, Rita Goswami a nurse, John Jones studied homeopathy and Annie Jones sports fitness and later, nutrition .

Author's Bio: 

Mark Glendale is the marketing manager of A1 Business Search and has been responsible for the smooth running of both the internet and social media marketing for the last decade now. Adept in all areas of successful internet advertising for both A1 Business Search and their branch of subsidiary companies, it is Mark Glendale’s goal to continue providing exceptional leadership and management qualities.