When it comes to Nutrition there is a saying that "You are what you eat". The same may apply to the clothing you
wear "You are what you wear". From a prospects point of view the clothes you wear is really all they have to go by in
an initial meeting. Your new clients will be checking you out from head to toe. First impressions are important and
dressing for your first meeting is no different than dressing for a job interview .
A few things to consider when blouse femme up are to make sure that your clothing is not distracting your clients
but rather adding to your personality. If you're a gentleman you will want to have your shirt buttoned up all the way up
and yes down. You may have the greatest six pack in the universe but showing this off to a client maybe
To compliment the shirt you may consider wearing a tie. You can dress it up with a jacket or dress down with a
blazer. It all depends on the type of clientele you are servicing. If you want to play it safe consider neutral colors such
as navy, beige or light gray. Your shoes should match your suit and wardrobe. It would be wise to polish your shoes
and wear the dark dress socks and not white sport socks that would be more appropriate with running shoes.
Depending on your region you may need a winter coat. You'll also want to ensure that your coat is clean and pressed.
You want to be cold especially when showing homes. Shaking in front of your clients is not a good sign. It will not only
show that you are unprepared but your clients will be wondering if you really are cold or just plain nervous.
Ladies the same tips can be recommended to you. Some of the most popular items that professional looking women
dress in are, tailored suits (pants), tailored dresses or a combination of a jacket and tailored dress. If you want to
dress down a little dress pants and a blouse is also appropriate. If you are wearing a blouse buttoning it up is also a
good idea. You will want your clients looking into your eyes and nowhere else. If you catch your client(s) looking in
other places chances are they're not listening to a word you're saying. This can lead to some really mixed
When it comes to shoes you will also want to have matching shoes or boots. Always keep in mind that comfort should
come first. As Realtor's we are all typically jumping in and out of the car all day long. Being uncomfortable can make
for an extra- long day. In some places where there is heavy snowfall and ice you will need to make sure that your
shoes or boots have a good sole as sidewalks and driveways may be slick.
Some extra tips that apply to both sexes are the following. Go easy on the jewellery. Again you will want your clients
looking into your eyes when you are talking. If you have a flashy necklace, chain, earings or a big watch it can be
distracting. Perfume and Cologne is no different. If your client is drowning in your smell it may make the client stay

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making,Games, Fashion, Product Reviews etc. It is my Hobby and passion.

M.B Qasim Shehzad Ch