Before I get started, let me say that you don't have to be a world-renowned expert before attracting people to work with you in a deep, lasting and meaningful way. If you feel inspired to offer a six-month or year-long mastermind, mentorship or group coaching program, consider doing it.

And if you are considering offering a group program, let me save you thousands of dollars and countless hours right now.

When working to fill your high-end program, I DON'T recommend using the following strategies:

1. DON'T use the same Internet campaign you'd use for a product launch.I see people trying to do this all the time. Those campaigns are great for programs costing under $2,000, but if you want to fill a 5-figure year-long mastermind program with deeply committed clients, they generally don't work. Your ideal clients need to feel inspired enough to say yes to making a big investment of money and time in themselves, and that generally doesn't happen from a video series or preview call.

2. DON'T try a rolling month-to-month program.
I've seen people get clients into a $500 or $1,000 a month coaching relationship, and then get enough people on the bus at the same time to turn it into some kind of a group mastermind. The problem is when you frame it from the beginning as a month-to-month commitment, people will drop on and off all the time and you can never gain momentum, nor trust and intimacy among the group.

3. DON'T use one-on-one calls, strategy sessions, momentum sessions.Think about it. To fill your group, you would have to make enough calls to collect enough people at the same time to get a group program going. That's very difficult to pull off unless you're truly a master of phone sales. Then, while you're gathering your group, you also have to start serving people right away to get them to stick.

It's a complicated equation that I've only seen a few people master for 5-figure programs, and they did endless free calls to fill a 6-8 person group.

So, if you want to fill your mastermind, mentorship or group coaching program:

# 1. DO host a live event.
With a live event you can literally fill your high-end group program in just one weekend.
Gather people together in a room, give them amazing content and the best of what you have for two to three days, and then make an offer for them to keep working with you for the rest of the year. Do this right on-site and get everybody on the bus at the same time.

The first time I realized this was THE way to fill a long-term program, I was a participant in a course with 18 people and 6 of them signed up to keep working with the mentor for a year.

I did the math ($1,500 a month x 6 people x 12 months) and thought, "Holy cannoli, he just broke six figures!"

I also thought, I can't believe what I just saw. I can totally do that.

And I did, over and over.

In fact, over the past 36 months, by adding live events to our model, we've done more than $10 million in sales and served thousands of people all over the world.

And you can too.

All it takes is the right guidance and information and your own leap of faith .

Author's Bio: 

Sales-from-the-podium expert Lisa Sasevich has x-ray vision for seeing the sales opportunities that exist in every company, and the creativity to convert them into gold! If you're looking for simple, quick and easy ways to boost sales without spending a dime, get your FREE Sales Nuggets now at