Hey All You Big Givers!!

Six years ago, I wrote an article called 7 Totally Different Ways to Give Big this Thanksgiving!!

Since then, I’ve come to learn that people need to know what giving is NO T.  The Secret would say, don’t focus on what you don’t want.  However, understanding these distinctions does help us more powerfully understand what it is we do want .

Giving is Not Reciprocation

If we give something because we are "expected to" or we think we "must" , then that is not a gift.  If we give something and expect a "gift" to be given to us in return, then that is not a gift either.  Those are trades, exchanges, or barters -- we can pick lots of words that are more accurate and honest than a "gift."

As an example, if we are attached to getting a "charitable receipt" in order to get a tax deduction from our donation, are we really giving a gift, or are we simply practicing intelligent commerce?

Giving is Not Following Protocol

Gift exchanges can be very fun.  Have you noticed how some gifts in exchanges are usually better than others?  Some people really take on the energy of "gifting" , while others are simply following the rules of the game .

If we give something to somebody while we are upset, with a mean tone, or in a rush, then that is not a gift.  People want our energy and presence more than our material tokens .  So to present a material token with negative energy is very contradictory.  Too bad some people do that.

Giving is Not Managing the Gift

Most people's tax money goes to funding wars that they probably don't believe in.  Many people accept that, while they question the ratio of funds going directly to a charitable cause compared to the administrative costs.  When we give something freely, we put trust in the recipient's hands to manage that gift .

Similarly, when we don't give money to homeless people because we assume they might spend it on addictive or destructive behaviors, then we are managing funds for them.  A true gift of money is allowing the recipient to use the money at their sole discretion .

Don’t just gift something.  Take gifting to a whole new level of compassion, integrity, and love .  Happy Thanksgiving!!

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Let’s love the world together...

Love,[)anish /|hmed, Visionary

P. S. This is just one of the concepts referenced on: http://www.truthactivism.blogspot.com

Author's Bio: 

I am a blind, Pakistani albino. Really. That's who I am. I'm an entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and best-selling author of "A Dictionary of Distinctions."

My vision is to help transform the lives of millions of people around the world through a new media genre: the convergence of entertainment and inspiration.

For example, I produced "What is Love?" -- http://www.TheLoveMovie.com -- a three minute movie on the Internet, now seen by a million people across 112 countries. My greatest passion is working with projects like co-producing hit shows (such as I DECIDE and SHIFT), and now working on a feature-length reality-based biographical movie of my life called "an Ordinary Story"!

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