“I’m diabetic,” my friend informed me after his doctor visit.

“What type? 1 or 2?” I inquired.

“Type 2. My doctor told me to lose weight and change my diet , but I’m not sure I can do that,” my friend said matter-of-factually. “I feel like I’m drowning in this.

“Why?” I wondered aloud. “You can make changes.”

“That’s so drastic. I’m set in my ways, including my eating,” he continued as if he was too old to change. At 66, I didn’t think he was too old.

“What are the risks connected with diabetes?” I was truly interested.

My friend didn’t want to answer, so I took it upon myself to research Type II diabetes while we were on the phone.

“It says here that you increase your risk for heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and narrowing of blood vessels (atherosclerosis). Nerve damage (nephropathy). And the nerve damage can result in the need for amputation of toes, feet, and legs. Wow! That’s awful. But it also indicates you can minimize your risk with a change of diet ,” I pushed back a bit.

I continued reading aloud, “People living with diabetes have an increased risk of lower limb amputation. Wounds or ulcers that do not heal are the most common cause of amputation among people with this condition. Other factors, such as high blood sugar levels and smoking, can increase the risk of foot-related complications, including amputation.”

“So are you going to change your diet ,” I asked.

“I’ll try,” he said with a huge sigh.

Him saying, “I’ll try,” told me all I needed to know. Not much was bound to change.

This conversation took place two years ago.

Yesterday, I talked with my friend.

“I’m probably going to have some of my toes amputated,” he said.

“Have you considered changing your diet?” I asked.

“I think it’s too late for that,” he was resigned to not even giving it a shot.

Unhealthy has Become the Norm

I can’t say I was shocked. In the 30 plus years I’ve known my friend, he has had very poor eating habits. Exercise has not been high on his list of priorities, and he has been well over 60 pounds overweight.

He is not unlike a great many people who have resigned themselves to the belief it’s easier to eat like crap, not move much and then act surprised when they are diagnosed with a life threatening disease that could have been prevented.

Yet, I was in that group off and on throughout my life. It took me until I was 64 to find a way of eating that is a lifestyle and not a diet. One that is literally reversing disease in men, women and children unlike anything else. It’s a plant-based diet.

It’s a fact; overall health of those in the United States is in the pooper. For one of the richest countries we are very poor in health.

Diseases of every type are at an all time high. Diabetes, cancer and high blood pressure are off the charts.

The prevalence of obesity in 2015 was 35.7% among young adults aged 20 to 39 years, 42.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40 to 59 years, and 41.0% among older adults aged 60 and older. Since then, it has increased.

Many people mistakenly believe there is nothing they can do about it, but in reality, they can with one simple thing; change the way they eat.

Yes! It’s really that simple.

Ditch the Diet

I’m not talking about dieting. I’m talking about a dramatic change in what you consume that is sustainable for the long term.

Imagine if you could live a life filled with health, vibrancy and energy. You can by changing to a whole foods, plant based protocol.

It’s Too Radical

“But that’s so radical!” is often the response people give for making this kind of change.

Is it? To me what’s radical is risking the need for numerous medications, the risk of heart disease that requires surgery simply to keep you alive and higher risk of various types of cancer by food choices most people make.

Change Your Eating, Change Your Health

There is plenty of scientific proof that by changing the way we eat, we CAN change our health. Additionally, there are so many “average” people who have shown, by their own food choices, they can reverse many health issues. Yet, for whatever reason, most people continue to pretend they don’t have the answer to how to live their healthiest life ever.

Or, even if they do know the answers, they are not willing to give up the very foods and lifestyle choices that keep them sick or well on their way to becoming sick.

The following comes directly out of a post called,

What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Eating Meat, Dairy & Eggs

“In general, within a couple weeks of eating a healthy whole-food, plant-based diet, it would be typical that people may enjoy improved insulin sensitivity (their insulin works better)… and their cholesterol levels may decline,” Dr. Campbell tells Bustle. “Anecdotally, some people describe improved bowel movements, improved sleep, energy, and skin quality. All of that happens within days to a couple weeks.”

Take Control of Your Health

The reality is this; we have much more control over our health than many people realize… or want to admit. Acknowledging a truth means we must now take responsibility for this awareness and the actions we take… or don’t take.

Author's Bio: 

Specializing in working with businesses who believe a healthy workforce is a happy and productive workforce, Kathleen discovered the life-changing power of plant-based eating in her sixties. Seeing what it did for her energy, focus, creativity and waistline, Kathleen loves working with those who are open to the possibility of what plant-based eating can do for them and their bottom-line (both the one they sit on and the one that reflects their revenues) Access her FREE ebook – Beginner’s Guide to Plant Based Eating at http://www.plantbasedeatingforhealth.com/guide and visit her plant based blog at http://www.plantbasedeatingforhealth.com