Doc Wellness Webinar #2: Kidneys

Date: Tuesday, April 29th.
Time: 7pm EST. Please note: If you cannot make it, the replay of the Webinar will be sent to you.
Cost: Only $10

Tired of living in fear?

Unwilling or unable to take risks, to experience true joy and passion ?

The cause may not be what you think.

More often than not, the source of the problem is a weakness of the Kidney Energy. Strengthen your kidney energy and release your “warrior spirit!” Enjoy living a life filled with focus and energy, with passion and purpose.

In addition, the Kidney energy is responsible for:
Health of the bones
Health of the teeth
Hearing and much, much more. . . .

Learn how specific herbs , foods, acupuncture /acupressure points and other methods can be easily and inexpensively applied to strengthen your Kidneys.

Sign up now at

Author's Bio: 

Dr. David Orman is the creator of Doc Wellness Formula found at