What makes you happy?

This is a classically important question when it comes to the Law of Attraction . This is what will raise your vibrational level, making you a master manifestor.

What makes you happy?

Whether it is physical activity, or reading a good book, or eating iwth friends, or dancing the night away, it matters tremendously to you and to your future. When I was a teenager, I was offered a job in Bermuda, teaching the thing that I loved best. I thought this was too "frivolous" and that I "should" go to college. That was in the '60's.

That decision started me on a roller coaster ride of doing what I loved, then doing what I thought was right, then doing something else that I loved, and giving it up again to do what I thought I should. Neil Donald Walsch says it over and over again. God doesn't have a preconceived idea of what he wants you to do. We came here to be happy.

What makes you happy?

Do that. Do what makes you happy. In this way, you will meet people who enjoy what you enjoy. You will have a quality of life that is superior to whatever you would have without it. When we are happy, we attract more of what we enjoy. When we are happy we are healthier and wealthier. When we are happy our children are happier and more successful, and our pets are happier and better behaved.

Do what makes you happy:

We are more attentive and focused when we are doing what makes us happy. We are better learners when we are interested in what we are doing. We are more successful when we are focused, and we are more prolific when we are interested.

There is not one activity which doesn't have a job or a business connected to it, and there is not one job or business that doesn't have some very successful people doing it.

Do That!

Do what makes you happy. If you don't have the body of a dancer, but that is what you love, you could be a choreographer, or a musician in the orchestra pit, or a costumer. You could be a podiatrist, or a shoemaker. I knew the masseuse for the Irish clog dancers.

Do what makes you happy.

If you love music, but never learned how to play an instrument, there are jobs as musical engineers, or music publishers, and jobs in radio and recording companies. Full Sail University in Orlando will train you for many of these jobs. Stevie Wonder, and others, do their recording in the university studios.

Don't do what you "should".

This is one of the biggest causes of " manifestation frustration." When you are doing what you "should" rather than what you love, you can't be happy. Many medical students commit suicide. Now, this is the extreme of this practice, but just think about it. These are often students who were on the honor roll through grammar school, and on the dean's list through high school. They had exemplary PSAT's and SAT's. They often took advanced courses and were accepted into their favorite college for early admission.

They had so many things going well for them, how could they be unhappy? It's simple really. Many, not all, but many of these "A" students are doing this because they believe it is the "right" thing to do, not because they love science or math or even helping people.

So, follow along with us. If a student gets "A's" all through school and gets into medical school, what does he have to look forward to? He has years of paying off his medical education, and years of taking care of sick or dying people. This is certainly not going to make him happy!

Let's look at another of these honor roll students. Perhaps he gets into an Ivy League school. This is what he worked all his life for! Now what? What "should" he study? Perhaps he'll start with business, because it seems as if he "should" be interested in business. His family never had enough money, so to be a success, business makes sense.

But, he's not really interested in business. So he changes his major to psychology , because that's where people go who want to know why "they aren't particularly happy" but then he has to stay in school through a PhD, and he's not sure he's that interested. Many of his friends are engineers, but he's not that excited by math and calculus was rough.

Do you get the picture? This was a young man who loved sports and knew every statistic and every player. He played baseball and football himself and well enough to be on the team, but not on great teams. When he was young he wanted to be a sports reporter. What happened to that dream? It wasn't on the SAT's and it wasn't offered as a major at the ivy league college he attended, and neither was Phys Ed. He didn't consider it "important."

So today, where is he? He lost track of why he was in school in the first place and lost his scholarship to his Ivy League school. He is currently out of school and out of work.

His younger brother loves video games and music and has never been that interested in school. Reading is not something he does for enjoyment and math has been a struggle in high school. Yet, he learns best from mentors. We found a great school -- Full Sail University, that offers many, many degrees in art, computer art, programming and game design all related to computer games and many areas related to music. Most of the teaching is done in labs and most of the teachers are also well known in their fields. Yet, his older brother is telling him that his ivy league school also gives degrees in computer engineering.... What's your guess about his chances of success at an Ivy League school?

One more time: What do you love? Do that. Don't become an Ivy League failure.

Author's Bio: 

Nancy Stremmel is one of the founders and the co-owner of Mindbridge, Inc.

If you wish to explore further the ideas and tools in this article, feel free to go to http://www.mindbridge-loa.com/Law_of_Attraction_and_energy.html and you will find the arguments to support the ideas.

This website is the compendium of information on the Law of Attraction. Nancy is a writer, licensed Social Worker, educator, artist and therapist. She believes that everyone can make the Law of Attraction work for them.