A patient, 28, had prostatitis several years ago. This is a miserable and excruciating experience for him. He has to urinate several times at night while it is also difficult for him to urinate smoothly. He has tried many drugs but nothing positive has happened, which makes him anxious and desperate.

The patient confesses that he started to masturbate since he was 16. These years, he always feels dizzy and has been out of spirits at times, accompanied by back pain and spermatorrhea. In a word, his symptoms always go back and forth. Doctors tell him it is related to his daily habits .

Do you know the cause of recurrent prostatitis ?

There are many factors that affect prostatitis. To sum up, these five reasons are as follows:

1. It is related to the natural factors.

On condition that the mother was weak during the pregnancy , and she had poor constitution, the kid may be born with kidney deficiency and something else. These natural factors may affect the kid's growth and may cause damage to the urogenital system unconsciously.

2. It is related to the excessive masturbation.

Young people are all sexually aroused, and they tend to masturbate to release the sexual impulse. And due to the poor self-control, they tend to indulge themselves in excessive sexual behaviors. Years of masturbation can affect their prostate health unknowingly. And you know, bad habits always die hard. So many young people are still obsessive about sexual experience. It needs to be under control as far as possible.

3. It is related to the emotional state.

Human emotions are complex and things change every day. You can not make sure you will be delighted tomorrow. Even a small thing can piss you off. For those with bad temper, they tend to be irritated due to daily stuff. And to those with poor state of mind, they are always prone to anxiety , depression or sadness. Doctors point out that over-thinking, excessive panic and other emotional factors will be the causes of recurrence of prostatitis.

4. It is related to the career.

After you graduate from college, you may be fixed in a position for a long time. Due to the requirement of your career, you may have to form some bad habits on the job. For those like bus driver, officer, IT workers and editors, they need to sit in front of the computer for a long time. And they tend to forget to drink water and urinate in time. All of these bad habits can lead to the recurrence of prostatitis.

5. It is related to the lifestyle.

Work makes people exhausted. So after work, male friends tend to relax themselves through many approaches. Some of they like to spend a whole night to play computer games and eat spicy food instead of dinner, while they enjoy drinking and smoking. Due to the lack of healthy food, sufficient rest and suitable workout, their body resistance will get poorer and poorer if they don't form good lifestyle. In this case, bacteria infection can easily make them infected again.

You know, bad habits always lead to bad results for your body. Therefore, giving up on these things is always important, which is a necessary part of your treatment plan. Meanwhile, a suitable treatment can help you effective deal with prostatitis. If you have these troubles for years, you should beware of chronic prostatitis.

Commonly, a herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is totally suitable for patients with chronic prostatitis, which features a great effect on eliminating inflammations and dispel abnormal symptoms. It can help male friends get rid of painful urination and discomfort effectively. It is reacting on the whole urogenital system and features no side effects.

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For more information, please feel free to refer to https://www.diureticspill.com/ for details and knowledge.