We’ve done amazing work this month getting rid of the noise, creating spaciousness, revitalizing ourselves, and just refreshing for newness… When we clean up, when we create space, when we reorganize, when we get quiet, attuned, and inspired, then we are able to tap into new realms… We can tap into anything we want… The universe is the limit… Let’s discover the newness instore for you…
We can Discover newness only when we are ready for it... If we continue to have, do and be the same old, we’ll continue to create the same old… Make sure you have Refreshed for Newness:
This refreshing process has led us to Dreaming our big dreams … Now we can take the next step in making change happen. I’m sure you’ve already experienced some shifts as you created new energy and flow... Let’s now ride this momentum to mold and create what we desire… It is time to Discover the possibilities…
Dreams will stay just dreams if we don’t do anything about them…
It is our job to explore the possibilities and how to make them happen. But before we get to the how and the what, we must first explore the Why…
The Why is the inspiration , the motivator, the driver, the focus- it’s what keeps us going when it seems unplausible and impossible…
Doing the drudgery of our life, the minutiae and the everyday is mind numbing and tedious when there is nothing we are shooting for. We need a North Star to make even the most mundane meaningful… Our North Star is our Why, it is our creation, it is the reason for our Human Experience… This is what give our life meaning and makes it worth living!
So, what is your big dream? What’s the Why behind it?
Keep asking yourself why is that important. Once you have an answer, ask why is That important. Once you have an answer to that, now ask again why is That important. And, so on, a few times, until you get a deep and meaningful answer…
This is the Big Lens to keep on as you plan, organize, and go about your life. Have everything be informed by this…
What is Possible…Now, you are ready to explore the possibilities and Discover the newness instore for you...
The environments – What’s décor, feel, brand? What purposes do they meet? What systems are included? What experiences do they inspire?
The everyday – What are your routines and habits? How will you show up? What parts of you are you owning, embracing, showcasing? How are you stretching and evolving?
The relationship/s – How are you treating others? How are you nurturing your relationships? How are you creating meaningful interactions? How are you enjoying your loved ones?
The achievements – What are you working towards? What are your strategies? What are your projects? Who are in your Teams?
The big picture – What kind of life do you want to live? What do you want to have accomplished at the end? What would have been an extraordinary life?
You see when we created spaciousness, cleaned up our ways and reorganized ourselves, we created opportunity… It is up to us to use the new energy and possibilities to create something new… We can create whatever we desire…
Watch the video for embracing this refresh and creating something new…and complete the Application exercise ON THE BLOG https://bit.ly/3ISHsv6 .
Download the Refresh for Newness Checklist https://bit.ly/3iWJdNi and allow the new to emerge!
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™.