Wedding is the most important day for anyone’s life. People always try to preserve those moments. What can be best than photography? But, people are quite confused at that time to choose between digital and film photography. Before going to any conclusion i would suggest you to think over pros and cons of digital and film.

Digital photography is the format for today’s world while film photography is traditional mode of clicking photographs. Although digital photography is more costly than film photography but the quality of picture is much more effective in digital photography than film photography. When one get good quality photo then price may not hamper over the choice of buying the photograph. Moreover what add to the cost of digital camera is its battery, memory card, etc.

Moreover, a digital camera comes with unique features. One of them is delete button. One can click as many as photos one want to and of any type and can delete them within few seconds. Moreover, digital camera reduces your effort. With film, one has to print the pictures and then have to select the one he or she likes and mail them. But, with digital camera you can easily transfer the photos in your computers or laptops and save your time and effort.

With new setting options in digital camera one can set aperture, shutter speed and if you want to click picture in portrait mode or landscape mode you can set that also. Also, the functions vary from camera and its types. Many digital cameras also come with video mode. Now one can easily store their memorable time through videos which can’t be possible through cameras with film.

Also, editing is not possible through film cameras as you need to send photos as it is printed. Moreover, there is lack of safety in film cameras. There are chances that film gets ruined or spoiled. Also, there can be chances that we can lose the negatives or films. Although in digital camera there can be little chances that memory card gets corrupted. Still the risk factor is more in film cameras as compared to digital camera.

Whatever, we can say the memories of wedding have to last for long. Thus, it all up to you to choose best for the most important day of your life. Whatever, camera you choose or go with one has to be full knowledgeable with the function of the camera he or she is choosing. Digital camera maybe costly but is quite good and give you the best picture for the life time. It is time and effort saving and less risk with variety of different functions.

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Visit for perfect Wedding Photography to make your wedding memorable. You can also hire good Wedding Photographer .