Success is just as much of a pattern as anything else in life is. Many times successful people are not smarter than others, nor do they have more common sense, they just have personal habits which make them successful. As a matter of fact I have seen people who are successful who didn’t really seem to make good decisions most of the time. The key to their success seemed to be that whenever they did make a decision they put it into action.

Successful people consistently do those things which bring them victory while losers have habits which they continually apply to sabotage their own lives. One losing habit which I used to have was that I would fail to apply myself to the things which mattered. I was good at those things that I liked but I didn’t try to be good at the things which really mattered. I liked certain sports and was good at a lot of athletic activities but I wasn’t interested in pursuing a career in sports . I just did what I did for fun.I had the smarts to be whatever but I didn’t develop the study habits that I needed in order to succeed.

Your behavior locks you into a cycle. If you fail to break this cycle you will seal your own bad fate. A career criminal will eventually be arrested because of his crimes. In jail he is further indoctrinated into the criminal lifestyle. Once he comes out of jail his options in life are severely limited. It is harder to break out of this cycle because there has been no reinforcement for his success. So what happens is that he falls deeper into this negative cycle.

Unfortunately there is nothing that he knows at this point other than crime so he goes back to what he knows. This cycle can affect any of us in more circumstances than just career choice. It can also apply to the way that we deal with people. We can become locked into negative cycles which determine a negative outcome in our dealings with others. Have you ever read stories about women who suffer from abuse and choose to remain in the abusive situation. That happens because they have allowed their minds to become acclimated to the situation even though it is as unpleasant as it is.

We can learn to believe that a bad situation is good when it helps us to cope with it. The successful person has learned to expect success. They have keyed in to something which works for them even if they don’t have all of the pieces to the puzzles .

It doesn’t require mental brilliance or insight to be successful it merely takes expectation, determination, and action. If you are to be successful you must have mental drive. You need to learn to blot out everything which points away from success. It is good to separate yourself from people who don’t think the same way that you do because they won’t help you to reach your goals. Shed the weights which keep you bound to the ground and defy the gravity of negativity.

In order to be successful we must gain the victory in our own minds. Our actions will follow the picture which is painted in our minds. Sometimes we need to paint a different picture. If that’s what it will take for you to win well that’s just what you will have to do. Create a new mentality through force of will. Determine to win and allow your actions to bring your determination to pass. The Good Life

Author's Bio: 

Cedric Rice is the founder of Riceland Enterprises, which is composed of several different business ventures. This company is currently located in Georgia.
Riceland Enterprises of several web sites that Mr. Rice owns and operates which is oriented towards consumers along with Military Ring Express , and Fragrance Oil Express