3 Major Benefits & Reasons for Detoxing your Lungs.
Whether you are reading this because you have given up smoking or just want to improve the function of your lungs. I would suggest if you are still smoking, make a plan to quit, then go about the cleanse once you have given up the habit. Breathing is pretty important, and no-one quite appreciates its importance until they are unable to breathe. Deep breathing results with many benefits allowing fresh air to oxygenate your blood, reduces stress, anxiety
, panic attacks, helps your mind and thought processes.
Importance of Lung Detox
Detoxing is vitally important as what goes into your lungs eventually makes its way into the bloodstream, so it is important to be mindful of keeping your lungs free of toxins to stay healthy. There are simple things that I share with you in this article that you can do to detoxify your lungs regularly, that will help increase your lung capacity, reduce the risk of lung cancer, and improve the health of the respiratory tract, as well as your heart. A major step in supporting your detox is if you are a smoker is to Quit.
Dangers and Fatality of Being a Smoker
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that approximately 6 million people are killed by tobacco each year, with 600,000 deaths from exposure to second-hand smoke. There are more than 7,000 highly dangerous and toxic chemicals, including 60 carcinogens that are known to cause cancer in tobacco smoke, says the American Cancer Society. The tobacco leaves used in cigarette production contain radioactive materials that can build up over time and predispose a smoker to higher chances of cancer.
7 Tips to Break Free from Smoking Today!
1: Make a Date: Yes, as you would for any other must do task on your calendar
2: Plan for the Date: Wash and clean everything that looks or even smells like cigarettes. The Car, house, your wardrobe.
3: Get Friends & Family
on Board: Communicate your decision, clarifying the importance of their support for you making this decision. If there is anyone who is not totally supportive you may either have to delete them from your life, or if that isn’t totally possible distance your relationship for a while until you feel comfortable and confident in your decision to become a non-smoker.
4: Have Positive Strategies: To avoid becoming sucked back into smoking change the way you do things. For example, if you normally have a cigarette when you have a coffee or glass of wine. Then either go without these for a couple of months until you can cope or have some roasted almonds or walnuts to have with them. If you are feeling stressed go for a walk, take deep breaths and drink plenty of water.
5: Avoid People who Smoke: This is vitally important especially in the early stages of becoming a non-smoker. If you have a husband, partner, and wife or adult children living with you who are smokers then you will have to ask them to refrain from smoking inside or anywhere is close proximity to the house or in the car. When I say close proximity to the house I mean under front or back verandas.
6: Vitamin Supplements: About a week or even two before making the decision to become a non-smoker get yourself a liquid B supplement and some homoeopathic drops for nerve support. The tissue salt Kali Phos is great for stress and anxiety
and works well. These will be available through your pharmacy or health shop. Plus, drink lots of water.
7: See yourself as a Non-Smoker: It is vitally important to see yourself as a non-smoker. Clarifying the reasons why you want to be a non-smoker such as you want to smell nice, you want to have great skin, you want to live your life free from disease related illness associated with smoking such as emphysema, lung cancer, heart attacks, and heart disease
3 Major Benefits and Reasons for Detoxing your Lungs
Detoxing or cleansing of Your Lungs is important even if you do not or never have smoked.
Whether you are a Smoker, reformed smoker, or a non-smoker everyone benefits from regular detoxing and cleansing of the lungs. If you are smoker your lungs contain a build-up of toxic tar and dangerous chemicals that are unable to clear on their own, especially like that of a healthy lung of a non-smoker.
There are many other chemical influences that can have an effect on optimal lung function from many workplace environmental toxic substances. They are known as occupational health diseases. Occupational lung diseases are types of illnesses associated with exposure to irritants in the workplace.
Even though the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) provides federal guidelines for job safety practices, rates of lung illness continue to increase. Read more about the jobs at risk and related lung disease Here!
By incorporating regular lung detoxification this will cleanse and help clear the lungs of tar and other toxic chemicals. Helping to prevent smokers cough as much as possible. It is important to realize however that should you continue to smoke there are other processes happening that are harmful to your lungs. For best results, here are
The benefits of becoming a non-smoker will out way continuing with smoking.
1: Heart, Circulation and Brain: Detoxing your lungs through a structured regime of herbs
, exercises and breathing techniques will help prevent lung disease and will also support a healthy heart as well as well oxygenated blood. It may sound unusual to have a regime for just detoxing your lungs but believe me putting these processes into place will boost your immune system as well as improving heart, circulatory and brain function.
2: Respiration and Oxygen: Your lungs are responsible for the process of respiration, and for being the source of circulating oxygen throughout your body. Pollutants such chemicals produced from cars, homes, various businesses, roads, farming, foods, cleaning products, and other forms of smoke: including dirt and dust. Can enter your body through your skin, hair, and nails into your bloodstream.
3: Lung Protection: When the lungs are clogged with toxic elements, this can affect the cells that line your airways and can become damaged. This making it more difficult for the bronchi in your lungs to absorb the oxygen you need. Further problems you may be faced with will be excessive mucous production as this is formed in order to make an attempt at protecting your lungs.
Taking other areas of your life into consideration for supporting healthy lungs you will want to include learning to manage stress and anxiety
effectively as well making positive changes to your daily eating regime When you commence detoxing your lungs you may find initially you will cough up mucous this is in support to cleaning your lungs effectively.
How often should you do a Lung Cleanse?
If you are a smoker, then cleansing of your lungs should be included I believe on a daily basis. If you are a non-smoker, then every 2 – 3 weeks to assist your lungs with efficient detoxification and cleansing.
Herbs as Medicine
Benefits of Herbs for the Respiratory System!
The Actions of Specific Herbs for the Health of Your Lungs support in the following ways:
• Expectorant – Helps break up and expel chest congestion.
• Soothing – Helps to soothe inflamed nasal passages and airways.
• Calming – Calms the release of histamines.
• Antioxidant – May be a source of antioxidants and reduces oxidative stress.
Herbs to support Healthy Lungs & Detoxification
Some of these you can use in your everyday cooking
or as a tea
Cayenne – Only in minute quantities helps to stimulate circulation.
Chlorella – Remove toxins by cleansing the system from heavy metals.
Turmeric – Curcumin is a chemical found in turmeric that has powerful antioxidant properties. Curcumin can protect the body from free radicals and destroy mutated cancer cells, therefore preventing them from spreading throughout the body and causing damage.
Licorice Root – Helps to harmonize all ingredients in the formula.
Thyme – is very powerful in the fight against chest congestion. It produces powerful antiseptic essential oils which are classified as naturally antibiotic and anti-fungal.
Fresh Garlic Cloves– dissolve mucous and kills any lung infection.
Ginger root- helps loosen and expel phlegm from the lungs.
Grindelia – Sooths the respiratory system.
Elecampane - can soothe bronchial tube linings and act as an expectorant for lung cleansing.
Mullein leaf– helps alleviate symptoms of asthma and other respiratory conditions.
Pleurisy root – An excellent expectorant that helps to expel phlegm from bronchial and nasal passages. It also stimulates the lymphatic system.
Additional Support for Detoxing and Cleansing your Lungs!
Exercise is key in strengthening and cleansing the muscles of the lungs. Exercise that requires deep breaths with workouts such as running, swimming, walking along the beach, up and down hills. Yoga is a great support to improve the overall health and capacity of your lungs. Allowing for easier access for any herbs
or other nutrients you are incorporating for improvement of your lung health.
Breath work: Slow, Deep Breathing is extremely beneficial when it comes to improving the capacity of your lungs. Assists even further with your other detoxification methods that you are using. It moves air that has been trapped within your lungs, replacing this with fresh oxygenated air. So, refreshing you will feel the difference immediately.
It is important to sit somewhere where you have fresh, air that is well oxygenated. Sitting outside within your garden, in the park at the beach. Then take in a deep, slow breath in moving it toward your stomach, hold it for as long as you can, and exhale very slowly from your stomach, through your lungs to your nose and mouth. Do this for 5 – 10 minutes, shortly after even as few as 5 breaths you will feel the difference.
Foods to Avoid when Lung Cleansing – It is also advisable to avoid certain mucous producing foods throughout the lung cleanse. These generally include those containing gluten, dairy products, animal protein especially red meat, avoid any packaged, processed, or frozen foods or meals.
Foods to Include during your Lung cleanse – It is important to include fresh foods, vegetables and fruits each day. An alkalizing diet
, that foods that have an alkalizing affect for your body will assist this process enormously. Citrus fruits such as lemons, grapefruit, and oranges: Berries – especially blueberries, kiwi fruit.
Herbal teas such as Licorice tea, lemon and ginger tea, peppermint tea
Julie has been Recognized as a World Health Leader in Naturopathic Medicine for her dedication and commitment to successfully supporting people with their journey to achieving Optimal Health & Living Well for over 30 years.After 35 years, working with people within her clinic, providing training & integrative care. Julie semi-retired. Building a Membership site (juliedoherty.net) as a legacy & way of people being able to take charge of their health, with her years of experience in the comfort of their own homes. Providing Empowerment with Professional, Evidence-based knowledge & experience.