What is your destination? Ponder that thought for a moment. As you think about where you want to go, you cannot help but reflect on where you’ve been. Many have traveled a lengthy journey to get to the point where they are at right now.
Where do you see yourself six month, two years or even twelve years from now? Are the people that you surround yourself with helping you reach your destination? Are the books you read or the places you go helping you along your journey?
Sit and breathe for a moment. Are you happy where you are at in your life? Do you desire more? More of what? Is it material gain or for your soul to prosper? Your destination and desires differ from others yet you seek their approval or their input. How can they know and feel your life’s desire? Don’t seek approval in others; it lies within your own soul.
Some awake with no destination in mind. Their goal is to simply be, to simply breathe, to simply appreciate things in this moment.
Others might have you in their plan, in their reality, to fill their needs. Do not walk along that path. Lead your own path to your destination. Lend an ear and a helping hand, but know that your purpose is different. Make your mark where you are most needed.
Destination is more than going from point A to point B. Destination is timeless and consists of many physical and emotional changes, ie: growing if you will. When you arrive at your destination it will be like home to you. It will come naturally and you will feel at peace with a loving sense of joy once you have arrived. It is not work, but pleasures of the soul. Once you reach your destination you might find there is another one, and it is ever changing. As you grow, your destination changes to fit where you are in your life.
Destination is a journey of the soul. It makes you ponder about life’s wonders along the way. It stirs up a need for change in your soul and takes you places that you’ve dreamt about.
Some people plan their day and their agenda is quite full. Some people wake up and ask, “Where am I needed the most?” This is a huge, amazing world that we live in. Billions of people are reaching for their destination while some are happy and content with just being. The important thing about destination is to reach. Reach for a dream, reach out to help others, and reach into your soul and be grateful for all that surrounds you. Your destination is your journey, no one else’s, but you should always encourage others along the way so that they may reach theirs as well. May love, happiness and prosperity be with you on your journey to your destination!

Author's Bio: 

My name is Tami Principe. I wanted to help other people so I created my website http://www.WomensRecreation.com . In short, I am a Motivational Speaker, Author, Blogger, Radio Talk Show Host, and a Breast Cancer Survivor. I believe that our struggles are temporary, and important lessons can be learned from them. I am the author of 4 books, “Walk in Peace,” & “My Soulful Journey,” & “The Wishing Well,” and “The Green Rabbit.”My radio show is http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/womensrecreation,feel free to listen to the archives.