Sunflower bouquets are 2020’s most popular flower to have at wedding ceremonies in the UK, according to a data analysis conducted by one of the UK’s premium leisure groups and hotel providers, the Cairn Collection.

The Cairn Collection analysed Google trends data and discovered the UK’s interest for different wedding flowers on a scale of 0 to 100 (0 being not popular at all and 100 being very popular) between 2004 and 2020.

After collating the data, it revealed that some wedding bouquets have more than doubled in popularity over the years – with sunflower bouquets increasing from an interest value of 0 in 2004 to an average of 60 across 2020.As for other buds that have increased in popularity, ‘wedding peony’ has increased from an interest value of 0 in 2004 to 29 in 2020, while dahlia bouquets have also increased in interest from a value of 0 in 2004 to 36 in 2020.

Wildflower bouquets have also increased in popularity over the years. Scoring an interest value of 0 in 2004, this has since dramatically increased to 36 in 2020.As for one type of wedding flower that has decreased in popularity, wedding lilac has decreased from an interest value of 23 in 2004 to 17 in 2020.

Despite roses being the classic, go-to flower of romance, data reveals that these have declined in popularity over the years. The term ‘wedding roses’ has decreased from an interest value of 54 in 2006 to just 22 in 2020.

As for a wedding flower that scored a persistently low interest value, a ranunculus bouquet stood at 0 in 2004, and increased to just 5 in 2020.

On the other hand, it appears that tulips have become another popular preference for bouquets, with the term ‘tulip bouquet’ increasing from 0 in 2004 to 29 in 2020.

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Author's Bio: 

Brooke Mcdonald is a copywriter for the Cairn Collection.