Big data is something that scares a lot of people, as their actions and habits get meticulously recorded, so it can be used by a company to know their behaviors, and therefore target ways to increase profits.

Easy Online

For online casinos, they can collect data a lot more easily than in a land-based casino. You know the outcome of every result, the hands that people played or how much they bet. The amount of data that can be collected is incredible and it allows casinos to accurately set odds and also personalize games to an individual player.
Actually, that makes sense, but still, information is not widely discussed. You can’t get it from the casino’s website, and even a good informative review at will doubtfully reveal the stuff we are going to talk over here.
One of the ways that they use data is in analyzing games played, looking at winning patterns and using them to make more realistic odds. This data helps casinos to see which games work and which don’t, and also customize them so that people could play within the platform for longer.

Gather, Sort, Visualize

Modern online casinos rely on automated systems which collect and analyze data. Nick Hill from Flow Gaming claims that this is the only way of successful usage of the gathered information for gambling websites. Along with games, software providers offer casinos effective tools that focus on real data analytics and interpretation.

Data analysis is performed in three stages:

1.Sorting. Raw information must be segmented by various parameters: time and frequency of playing, wagering conditions, personal info like age or location, etc.
2.Visualizing. Clear and understandable representation of data is essential for analyzing. Infographics and charts are wonderful but it’s more important to make the data available 24/7/365.
3.Applying. Once collected and processed, the data is easy to implement. Analysts create detailed reports based on stats to increase the casino’s income.

The last stage is the most important. SmartDataCollective states that gambling websites use big data to work out marketing strategies. Say, they check ratings of games and remove unpopular titles or, conversely, promote successful projects.Stats provide for delivering a better individual experience. Data sorting assists casinos in creating profiles of gamblers that further help to launch individual strategies. Say, if a 20-year-old American girl plays slots each evening, she will receive free spins half an hour before her usual starting time.
Finally, why not combining global and individual approaches? Analysts may get data from extra research in addition to automatically collected stats. It’s enough to offer free spins for all American gamblers from 18 to 25 at different times and check how they respond. Easy data - easy profit!

Cookies are the Hidden Monster

One of the biggest aspects that a lot of people don’t understand about the internet is the use of cookies, which are allowed to record your behavior and look at what you like and what you don’t like. The online casino will be able to see how often you visit the website and how long you stay on it. The cookies can also be used not only to look at what games you are playing, but when you’re playing them and the patterns that you are using. This information can then be used to direct bonus offers and make specific advertising campaigns which will be curated around the games that you love.

Show Them Your Data

Another way an online casino can use their data analytics is letting the customer in on the secret. Some people get a kick out of seeing their own statistics, especially in card games and especially in poker. This gives a customer a level of control over their own playing skill as they are able to see which hands worked and which didn’t. Sharing this data with a customer may seem to some as giving away your secrets but to the customer it’s another reason that they come back to the website. Just as a website will think it can look at data and use it to its advantage, a customer will look at their own statistics and think the same.
Analyzing this data not only allows online casinos to target their customers most effectively in the present but it also allows developers to create games for the future. Using this data ensures that the newly launched game will be able to draw a certain type of player to it.
An example of this is a themed game which could be set around a movie or TV series. If the data shows that a customer is more likely to play these games then developers will be able to create on along this theme knowing that players will definitely want to play it.

The House Wins More

There is a saying in the casino industry that the ‘house always wins’ and they do so by keeping the odds in their favor. With tracking everyone’s play they have a greater chance than ever to make sure that they win. It gives an extra advantage to an online casino as they can tailor their games to suit them while marketing them to make it feel as though it suits you.
This analysis on big data doesn’t mean that they can fix more odds in their favor as that’s not allowed but they can direct more players to games where they are more likely to earn money. An example of this is with younger players who are more likely to take risks and play slots and roulette machines. A younger player will be enticed by the opportunity of winning big, so therefore a casino would direct their games to cater to younger players and attract them with bonuses and loyalty schemes.Everyone likes to feel special and this is no different from going to an online casino. This is where data analytics can really work for an online casino as they can cultivate a bespoke experience for their customers based on their playing habits and their favorite games. The benefit here for the customer is that they get a unique service which will make them feel special, but the bigger benefit for the casino is loyalty. That loyalty will see the customer playing on their website for longer which will mean that over the course of time the online casino will get more money from the customer.

Author's Bio: 

Acquiring a wealth of experience in writing articles on trends and prospects for the development of the game industry in the world I I've found myself as a Freelance Journalist. I am writing now about blockchain and cryptocurrencies trends, sometimes covering importance of bitcoin for various other industries.