A good leader is not necessarily born with leadership traits, but one is able to train to be good leader. A good leader is not always at the top of the hierarchy or a technical expert but is an attractive force that motivates the team and helps in the growth of the organization. A good leader will be mindful of the team working under him and should be able to bring the best out of each one of them working towards the goals of the organization. The good leader will have an attitude that will inspire the team to excel in their performance. Training leadership is very important for individuals in leadership.

A leader will have qualities which will help him to be a good leader. For instance he should be a person of integrity, should have commitment, courage, honesty, determination, confidence and he should have a positive attitude . These qualities may come naturally for some people, but others have to train themselves. A good leader will trust in his abilities and will need to exercise a lot of patience to be able to acquire qualities necessary to excel in leadership.

Nowadays, there are courses for training leadership that individuals take or organizations plan for their staff. These courses are widely available and some can be found on the internet. The leader will know what is expected of a good leader and they will learn on the different leadership styles such as autocratic, democratic, dictator and bureaucratic style etc as well as critical matters that affect the different styles. They will also be taught on transformational leadership which will improve the overall performance of the team.

At the end of the training a leader will have learnt the qualities of effective leadership. This includes every aspect of communication including communication levels available, communicating with others how they should communicate with him/her and inter and intra personal communication. One will have the skills to take charge of the running of the organization or the department where one is, organizing effective and supportive environments for the employees. Conflict resolution is an important skill to have as the leader should be careful not to leave employees demoralized or quitting due to the inability to resolve the conflict. The effective leader will be able to induce positive behavior change and get rid of negative habits such as time wasting. Thus, it would be of great benefit if one made the best out of the training leadership courses. One should feel more confident when actually playing the role of leadership because they should possess a better understanding of the act of leadership.

One other very important quality of an excellent leader is the use training leadership through mind power when needed. Mind power is the ability to use will power when making a decision between two things. Mind power when used effectively becomes an important tool for motivation as one feels more confident as they go about their work and the team has more confident in their leader. The law of attraction comes into play as this trait in a leader will act as an inspiration to the team. This is by way of the energy radiated by the leader as they will tap into that energy which will act as the driving force that will help the team work towards the success of the organization.

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