A few years ago, I thought that mindset was about 10% of the reason for why one person would succeed, while someone else wouldn't.

Then, the more I worked on myself, and the more I worked with clients, the more I thought it was like fifty fifty.

Now, I believe that your success is 90% dependent on your internal state of mind.

What this means is that you can't make more money, find a job, attract love, lose weight, or whatever it is that you want without first knowing what's getting in the way.

And it's usually nothing to do with genetics, education, talent, opportunities or whatever other excuses you've been making up.

The real culprit is your mindset.

And when you know what's been getting in the way of you getting out there in a really big way, you can go and make some big things happen for yourself.

Most people don't know what's getting in their way, and so they keep getting in their own way, wondering why things are not working out for them.

Well, here are 27 crippling behaviours that may have been preventing you from getting what you want:

1. You often use excuses usually about lack of time, money,etc, for not taking advantage of opportunities that are right in front of you

2. You focus too much on the fear rather than the good that will come from taking action

3. You look at what's lacking in your life than on what you want

4. You don't believe good things will happen to you

5. You allow fear of rejection and fear of failure to get in the way of you taking action on the big opportunities that come to you

6. You focus on your existing situation rather than focusing on your dream

7. Deep down you feel like you don't deserve success

8. You feel that you are not good enough

9. You resent successful people

10. You have a limited idea of how much you can accomplish

11. You focus too much on the negative things that happen around you: news, media, family ...

12. You are not willing to do what it takes to change your situation

13. You look at what other people are doing to set your benchmark and don't listen to your own intuition

14. You back away from uncomfortable situations that represent opportunities for massive growth

15. You aim way too low

16. You are not willing to speak the truth to yourself about your personal life and behaviours

17. You numb yourself, or stay too busy or scattered instead of facing your situation

18. You don't realise how your beliefs are creating your reality

19. You are afraid to take risks

20. You are not clear enough on your life purpose and your goals

21. You don't have enough confidence in yourself

22. You don't take personal responsibility for your results

23. Sometimes you blame circumstances, situations or people for your shortcomings24. You're afraid to invest in yourself

25. You don't trust yourself to make the right decision

26. You talk to yourself in a negative and critical manner

27. Part of you doesn't believe that you can do it

If you identify with one, or more, or all of these, then it's time to quit making excuses. Excuses are insidious. We use them to stay in the "comfort" of our current situation.

But you cannot expect a new job, more money, a great relationship, a great body... or whatever else you want if inside your brain your subconscious thoughts and beliefs dictate something different.

You may have all the education, talent, desire, ambition, and opportunities in the world, but it's only when you clear these road blocks that you will start to get the results you want.

Author's Bio: 

Anna Aparicio, Ireland's top female IINLP/Hypnosis Coach. She uses Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnosis and other psychology tools to develop profound and lasting changes in your life.

As a former fitness trainer and nutrition expert, she specialises in: weight loss, fitness goals achievement, eliminating cravings and overeating, boosting confidence and motivation.

Anna has featured on Irish TV as The Confidence Coach, is regularly published in top Irish lifestyle publications, and is highly recommended by The Irish Institute of NLP.

Her Emergency Beach Body System comprises the most effective mind, nutrition and workout tools to allow you to develop massive changes quickly.

Now you can claim her free report WHY YOU'LL NEVER GET WHAT YOU WANT UNLESS YOU DO THIS at http://www.delite.ie