Comfort? Joy?

For some, these words seem foreign, a distant memory in the past, or something they may have in the future as if it's not possible to feel that way now.

With all that has been occurring in the states and in the world, as well as what you might be enduring personally, consolation may seem very far away.

Are you able to create comfort and joy in your life?

How about when the going gets tough, or you are met with unfair unexpected situations or news, or you feel overwhelmed or stressed? Do you remember to take care of you?

You can minimize the stress you are feeling by being mindful of you!

Perhaps you are thinking, "Kimberley, you have no idea how hard things are right now and there is no way I can feel better with all that's happening".

You are right; I don't know what you may be going through, but what I do know is that tough times don't last forever, and that you have a choice of how you nurture yourself during this time.

When you are faced with challenges, shifting out of stressful or negative feelings can take some time. But it is possible, and doesn't take as long as you might think.

It's normal to go through a range of emotions that's to be expected. The key is recognizing when you are starting to veer off track and then making sure you pay attention to what you need to heal, and begin to feel better again.

Notice if you are doing or taking on too much, or if you are running on auto pilot, or that things are becoming unmanageable, or you feel you can handle everything on your own and aren't asking for help, etc.

Creating comfort and joy in your life means taking care of you. Yes, you!

When it comes to others, you may be the best caregiver in the world at work/home, but how about you? What are you doing for you?

Often our needs are neglected or are given minimal attention because we are looking after other things and other people first. This is an admiral trait to say the least, but you have to give back to you as well.

You have to know when to say "no" and when to say "yes".

You have to know when enough is enough.

You have to know when it's time to ask for help and call in the reinforcements.

You have to know your boundaries and what works and doesn't work for you.

You have to know that even when you don't have any choice in what is transpiring, you do have a choice of how you will care for you during that time. It's important that you do.

Believe it or not, you can take care of other people and responsibilities much more effectively when you aren't run down, burnt out, or feeling overwhelmed, or stressed out.

You will be able to make decisions from a centered space rather than from a tense place.

If you tend to be the type of person who forgets about you, it's time to remember!

There are probably endless ways you give to others and that is wonderful, it truly is. Just make sure you aren't over-doing it and that you are also one of those people you are caring for.

When there are circumstances that seem to take over and you don't have very much time to think about you, take a few deep breaths and see if there are small ways to create some comfort and joy for you as well.

Perhaps a cup of tea or a bowl of delicious soup or ice-cream, or curling up with a good book,

or wrapping up in a comfortable blanket or watching your favourite movie would be a way to take care of yourself.

You can go for a walk or sit outside and take a moment to connect with nature.

Music is also a great way to lift your spirits or provide relaxation .

Buy yourself flowers or lunch.

Ask a friend/ family to visit or help out. You may find this difficult to do, but everyone needs an extra hand or a shoulder to lean on once in awhile and it's okay to ask.

Take a trip down memory lane by looking through photographs.

Write down the things you are still grateful for to help keep things in perspective.

Read or write something inspirational that helps you through and read it often, or find an image that you can look that invokes positive feelings.

You don't have to wait for things to change or improve before you experience comfort and joy. There are many possibilities of things you can do right now, if you choose.

Appreciate yourself for all the hard work you do in this world and listen to what your needs are.

"When life gets tough and bounces you to and fro, it's important to take care of you by creating comfort and joy". Kimberley Cohen

Use these techniques to assist you in seeing why and where you are holding back comfort and joy for you.

Author's Bio: 

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique™. She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams".