Some people seem to have all the luck, don't they? We all know someone who is well connected and constantly has advance knowledge of the best opportunities before everyone else does. She's the one who finds the latest designer clothing at bargain basement prices, discovers the new vacation spot before it is over-run with polyester-clad tourists, and gets her resume in to human resources before the job has even been posted. She's always in the right place at the right time...almost as if a Guardian Angel was watching over her and protecting her interests.

Practitioners of Feng Shui believe it is possible to create your own good fortune. Keeping open to possible beneficial opportunity is the driving force behind all Feng Shui practice. One of the mot important Feng Shui power locations relates to "Travel & Helpful People". This location is directly opposite the "Wealth & Abundance " area on the Feng Shui Bagua map and they have direct impact on one another. Someone with an abundance of mentors, contacts, and helpful people in their life usually has a lot of luck with money matters.

In the workingworld, the currency worth more than currency itself--well, almost!--is who you know. Thik of cultivating a large network of active contacts as your personal gold mine. This applies as much to a rabbi and his temple as it does to a sales & marketing executive or a soccer mom in need of a carpool buddy. The more people you know, the wider your circle of opportunity.

Every time you make contact with the people in your database, you are reconnecting with them on an energetic level. Taking the time to touch base, say hello, and exchange information may lead to an unexpected opportunity. You ever know where the next opportunity is going to come from. That's why it's a great idea to collect business cards from people you meet no matter if their business is seemingly unrelated to yours. Even your neighborhood drycleaner could come in handy by introducing you to your next boss or boyfriend.

Author's Bio: 

Katy Allgeyer (a.k.a. Fishgirl) has twenty+ years of Feng Shui expertise, which she blends with her highly developed intuitive ability, metaphysical shamanic healing methods, and formal art and design training that make her uniquely qualified to help people realign their environment to support their full potential. Katy's Feng Shui By Fishgirl Blog ( ) seeks to enlighten a wide audience about the benefits of practicing Feng Shui.