Putting a positive spin on coping with disappointment is easy when you use a few simple tricks.

Here are 10 easy-to-use techniques to keep in mind when dealing with disappointment:

1. CONGRATULATE YOURSELF Yes, that's right, congratulate yourself for having enough hope in the first place to have gotten disappointed. Many times people don't risk being hopeful because of the fear of disappointment. So, if you're experiencing disappointment, that can only mean that you had enough courage to be hopeful. Congratulations!

2. LIFE LESSON Next, ask yourself, "What life lesson have I learned from this particular experience?" This has an interesting effect on your perception and immediately sets your mind in a positive frame to look for answers (instead of sulking in disappointment.) This also allows you to take a proactive approach when life is "pushing you around." You can either let life push, or step aside and allow life to "fall on its face" because you know you've grown on an emotional level from coping with disappointment in this manner.

Stay within your own power by letting go of things outside of your control and by taking action on the things within your sphere of influence. Many times, we experience disappointment because we are looking to others for results. Ask yourself, "How can I make my desire happen?" Or, "Is this something that I really don't have control over and I'd be better off letting go of others' results?" By breaking the pattern of disappointment and asking questions, you are tapping into a unique power within your brain. In fact, positive psychology studies show that when our brains are kept positive, they are physically more capable of finding answers. Staying within your power and asking questions keeps your brain positive and active.

4. TRAIN YOUR BRAIN - LAW OF ATTRACTION Dwelling on disappointments mentally and physically trains your brain to attract more disappointment vibrations. When coping with disappointment, it's significant to note that your thoughts multiple. So, if you are fixated on a disappointment, instead of harnessing the positive power of your brain to find answers, you're actually "sentencing" your brain to being imprisoned thinking about disappointment. Of greater significance is the fact that your brain is also putting out "addictive" chemicals that keep your body craving disappointment. Instead, notice when you're thinking about disappointment and interrupt this thought pattern by thinking of something else... Perhaps congratulating yourself!

When coping with disappointment, it is helpful to compare where the disappointment sits in the big "scheme of things." Is it a significant setback or just a "blip" in the overall big picture of life. Successful people know how to keep perspective and they do this by keeping their long-range goals in mind and chipping away until they attain results. Using this technique in your everyday life works wonders. In this regard, it is very helpful to have a personal development plan for reference and for staying focused on your "overall" goals and desires.

6. BE THANKFUL When life puts up a road block, it may be prompting you to seek out a new direction. So, ask yourself, "In what new direction does this disappointment push me?" Many times situations that we think are disappointments are actually gifts for new opportunities and ones that we are blind to when focused on the prior circumstance that initiated the disappointment. Changing your thought patterns and becoming grateful for these gifts helps you take advantage of them and move onto a new path.

Using a coach to set out a personal development plan and lay out the big picture helps immensely when dealing with disappointment. Finding a life coach that offers compassionate prodding can help you move quickly out of disappointment and into positive action.

Solid positive thinking tools like hypnosis, affirmations and subliminal work can give you a big boost. Even by using a simple tool such as Theta meditation , you can instantly change your state of mind.

Taking a hot bath, getting a massage , going for a walk and overall pampering your physical being breaks the pattern of disappointment and removes the emotional energy of the disappointment on a physical/chemical level. This helps your body actually let go of the disappointed feelings and re-energizes you to face whatever is next.

10. GET A HUG Whether it is from a close friend, lover or pet, nothing feels better than to get a hug when you're feeling low. So, get a hug or two! You'll be surprised at the power this simple trick has to offer.

Use any one or all of these ten techniques to help yourself when coping with disappointment and to get yourself back on track fast. By using these ten techniques regularly, you will also train your brain to "seek out" the positive in any given situation, which gives you a big leg up in avoiding future disappointments.

Author's Bio: 

As a hypnotherapist, Suzanne Glover gives information and advice on solid positive thinking tools. She shares more tips, advice and personal development help at effective-positive-thinking.com