If you are a reasonably level headed person you probably think conversational hypnosis is a load of bs. Most people I talk to think the mere idea of someone else being able to control their thought processes is ridiculous. I've often wondered why this should be. After all we all accept the emotional power of music or how we can be moved to tears by a good weepy film or sad story. We freely accept and even expect artists, writers and musicians to be able to connect with us directly on an emotional, even subliminal level. And yet so many of us are willing to reject the faintest suggestion that it is possible to learn a verbal technique that is specifically designed to enable communication on a subconscious level. Do you know, I think he real reason is because it's just too scary for most people to think such a powerful technique exists and that there are people out there who know how to use it.

Well not only does hypnosis work it is actually relatively easy for most of us to learn, doesn't cost a fortune and can make a amazing difference to our lives by giving us more control over how we appear to others. Imagine having that ability? Imagine being able to walk into any social situation, talk to any person or face any interview knowing that you are not only able to convince others that you are a likeable and trustworthy person but that you can actually guide the conversation to your own benefit.

Those who have learned this technique call it 'conversational hypnosis.' Modern conversational hypnosis is actually bases upon clinical case study and scientific evidence. It has been used across the globe as an effective psychological intervention for a variety of psychological disorders such as depression and personality disorder. Combining both hypnotic and linguistic techniques, it is now widely accepted as a central element to many effective hypnotherapy programs.

The truth is that it is little more than a psychological trick really. At its' simplest level it's really about distracting someones conscious thought processes whilst making suggestion regarding how they should behave or think to their subconscious. If that sounds a bit complicated then think of it this way.

When you are driving your car you are concentrating on the act of driving. You're looking at the road ahead checking for road signs, conditions and potential hazards and so on. You re doing this with your conscious mind. However at the same time your subconscious is also active, supplying you with he knowledge you have learned that enables you to 'know' how to drive in the first place. If your subconscious didn't store that knowledge every time you got in behind the wheel would be like the first. You wouldn't have a clue what to do. So, as you can see, the subconscious is an extremely powerful force in our lives.

So what if, with conversational hypnosis, you could learn how to communicate with other peoples subconscious without them being aware of it? What if, through the use of language patterns, psychology and downright verbal trickery, you could make suggestions to a persons subconscious mind that would actually change the way they behave and the decisions they make?

I know what a lot of you are thinking right now (no pun intended)? You're probably thinking “Yeah! What if?” How does this so called technique actually work?

Well its all because of the trance like state we all go into on a daily basis called the 'open trance.' Now when I say trance I'm not talking about falling into a deep sleep or having some guy with really bad side burns dangle a watch in your face. What I'm talking about is the simple act of concentrating intensely upon something? Something we all do every day.

When we concentrate upon an activity like driving or writing an email or reading something interesting, our conscious mind can become almost entirely focused upon that object or task. At that point however our subconscious mind is still working away supplying us information. So that we remember how to drive , write or read in the first place. At this point we can be said to be in 'open trance.' We are awake, we are functioning and we are still going about our day but we are not quite, fully aware.

For example, have you ever been watching a movie or listening to some music when someone starts talking to you. You are kind of aware that they are there but you can't quite respond to them. It's not because you have gone deaf or are rude, it's because your conscious mind is so busy that you can't react. This is because it requires 'conscious effort' to respond and, for a brief moment, you haven't got any free 'conscious effort' to spare. This is the 'open trance.'

Conversational hypnosis enables hypnotists to create the 'open trance' in others by talking to them. During the same conversation the conversational hypnotist can then use some subtle verbal patterns to start introducing new ideas and ways of thinking into the subconscious mind of the person they are hypnotizing. This technique is so incredibly powerful because the person being hypnotized is unaware that it is taking place. Consequently, if done correctly, they will actually adopt the suggestions that have been implanted as their own thoughts.

This is how hypnosis works. Of course it's not just a case of walking up to someone and saying “you will believe everything I say.” It's slightly more involved than that. However it's not rocket science either and most people can learn these techniques if they are prepared to put in a little effort.

Author's Bio: 

Ian Davis has been a conversational hypnotist for more than 10yrs and knows what it takes to learn these techniques. So does hypnosis work ? Yes it most certainly does. It is not some sort of mystical secret but rather conversational hypnosis is actually a skill that can be taught to pretty much anyone.