"Cancer", the disease that no one wants to hear about is now becoming common in individuals. Breast cancer, for example, is one of the most common cancers found in women. It is affecting women of all age groups. Detection of this cancer at an early stage reduces the chances of life threats.

Therefore, it has become imperative to find the best breast oncologist in Pune or any other city to get the best and early treatment. There are different types of breast cancers upon which the treatment regimens change. Here are a few common treatments for breast cancer.


Surgery is the most common treatment for breast cancer, where the best breast surgeon in Pune , or elsewhere performs surgery to operate the tumour, breast, or affected body part. The removal of the whole breast is called a mastectomy, while removal of just the cancer tissue, also known as the tumour, is called a lumpectomy.

Radiation therapy

Under radiation therapy, the cancer is treated by using high energy waves that kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy is practised on the whole breast first, then followed by a more focused treatment where the tumour was located in the breast for the remaining treatments.

The duration of this treatment is around 5-6 weeks, depending upon the severity of the case. Radiation therapy is not required for all patients. The necessity of the treatment is dependent on many factors, and the treating oncologist recommends radiation therapy.


This is also one of the most common treatments practised by doctors to treat cancers of almost all types. Chemotherapy involves the usage of a combination of medicinal drugs that kills cancer cells. It may be given before surgery to shrink a large tumour.

Chemotherapy is performed in schedules that may last for many months in some cases. This treatment is painful but highly effective. It has some side effects like nausea, hair loss, menopause, hot flashes, and fatigue.

Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy is a combination treatment that uses drugs that targets cancer's specific genes, proteins, or the tissue structure that contributes to cancer growth and survival. This treatment is very focused and works differently than any other therapy.

Targeted therapy blocks the spread of cancer cells while limiting damage to healthy cells. However, not every patient qualifies to undergo this treatment.


Immunotherapy is a treatment that utilises the body's own immune system to fight cancer. There are different types of Immunotherapy and can cause various side effects. Some common side effects include-
● Skin reactions
● Flu-like symptoms
● Diarrhoea
● Weight fluctuations

Not all patients can undergo this treatment.


Cancer happens when the body stops to perform its normal functions. In this case, the human body starts to produce abnormal cells which multiply. All these extra cells accumulate and form a tumour or a lump.

Cancer may or may not be fatal and depends on its type and stage. With the help of technology and innovations in the field of medical science, early detection and proper treatment can now be given to cure this deadly disease.

The methods that an individual can practice to prevent it is to stay physically active, rely less on hormone therapy for issues related to the reproductive cycle, and controlling the body weight. Moreover, limiting smoking and alcohol intake is necessary as they boost the production of carcinogenic cells in the body.

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Therefore, it has become imperative to find the best breast oncologist in Pune or any other city to get the best and early treatment. There are different types of breast cancers upon which the treatment regimens change. Here are a few common treatments for breast cancer.