Common Tooth brushing Mistakes and Their Fixes
Most of us (if not all) brush our teeth first thing after waking up and a few minutes before going to bed. This helps maintain proper oral health while reducing the risk of infections and cavities. While a common practice, many of us do not brush our teeth right. Here are some of the most common tooth brushing mistakes and how to do it right.
You Are Brushing Too Hard
Brushing hard doesn’t necessarily mean your teeth will be any cleaner but only increases the risk of eroding the enamel and sensitive gums. That said, you want to use gentle strokes while brushing.
You Brush in A Rush
Dentists recommend brushing your teeth for at least 2 minutes before spitting out and rinsing. Brushing for a shorter time might be ineffective, even if you stick to brushing twice every day.
You Have the Wrong Toothbrush
What criteria or method do you use to pick the right toothbrush at the local supermarket? According to Kimberly Harms, a certified dentist from Farmington, MN, the ideal toothbrush should be able to cover most parts of your mouth. You can also choose between a manual and a powered toothbrush. Bristles should be the first thing to look into when shopping for a new toothbrush, she says. The bristles needn’t be too rigid but soft enough to bend.
The size of the brush’s head is something you should consider, too, especially if you have a small mouth. Toothbrushes, however, come in different handles and angles. The handle, however, only needs to have enough grip to make brushing easier. The critical thing here is to ensure the bristles are soft but strong enough to loosen bacteria and remove bacteria from the gums and teeth.
You Hold on to One Brush for Too Long
How long have you been using your favorite toothbrush? Like everything else, your toothbrush has a lifespan, after which it should be replaced with a new one. Quit holding on to a brush for too long and replace it as soon as the bristles seem to be frayed or discoloured.
Dentists recommend using one toothbrush for not more than 3 months. This is because its effectiveness starts to decline after this time. You also shouldn’t share your toothbrush with anyone, not even your spouse.
You Only Brush in One Direction
Most people only use back and forth brush movements when brushing. This only cleans one side of the teeth. The correct way to brush your teeth is to use tiny circular motions, starting from the gums upwards. This helps access a more significant part of the teeth and gums.
You’ve Totally Forgotten About the Gum line
Many of us only focus on the teeth and hardly ever brush the gums all the way to the gum line. The average person has just about a millimetre of the gum line, which is large enough for bacteria and food particles to hide in.
Neglecting the gum line can have almost the same effect on your oral health as not brushing at all. One of the reasons why you should get a soft-bristled toothbrush is to allow it to access this crucial part of the mouth. The Dental Practice reminds you to brush along the gum line the next time you brush your teeth and see the difference.
You Brush Too Soon
How long (after a meal) do you wait to brush your teeth? Many of us will get at it immediately after our last bite. While a good gesture, the dentist advises against it. Instead, it would help if you allowed food particles already in the mouth and tooth crevices to be washed down before going in with your toothbrush.
Marashi recommends waiting for at least 15 minutes before diving in, and with a good reason. The 15 minutes of rest allows the mouth to produce enough saliva to ‘rinse’ any foreign objects off. The human saliva not only helps wash off any food particles in the mouth but also restores the mouth’s normal pH levels. That said, waiting for a few minutes before diving in is actually good for your oral health and protects the enamel from acidity and corrosion while you brush.
Misty Jhones