Kannada is a Dravidian language spoken predominantly in south western region of India. The reason why divorce rate is decreasing among the people of Karnataka is that, the separation of a married couple is considered unholy by the people for years. But the trend is changing, and many people are getting divorced every year. In south India, Karnataka is experiencing a rise in the number of divorces every year. However, the number of people looking for a second marriage is also increasing.

One can find several Kannada divorced brides using online at MatchFinder.in. In this article, we will discuss some of the reasons for the increasing divorce rates and the trend for second marriages in Karnataka.

Common reasons for a divorce in Karnataka

Ego conflicts because of independencies. Ego is one of the biggest reasons for the separation between many couples. Modern-day Karnataka is seeing a huge development in the IT sector and many other sectors that pave way for both the husband and the wife to go to work. As both of them are equally educated and capable of surviving on their own, the ego develops between them. Independencies for women and men is fine. But it should not create problems and misunderstandings in their personal lives. The confidence that they can look after their life without the partner’s support is leading to separation.

Cultural variations

One can divide the state of Karnataka into two different parts. One side having bigger IT companies and highways, whereas the other has villages and no schools. Most of the time, men and women from these two areas will end up marrying each other. Could you think that they will have the same opinions and understandings for the situations? Since most of the companies are IT industries, the lifestyle of the environment will be completely different from that the partner at home would not have experienced. It will lead to various issues.

Love marriages may not work

It is great to fall in love with a person and marry him against your parent’s wishes. But happiness will not last long. A couple may not enjoy all the happiness of a family if they separate from theirs to marry someone they love. Most of the Kannada marriages are being arranged by the family members. But the social media era is attracting more youngsters to choose their love of life themselves. Once the nuclear family starts tasting bitter, couples will start moving towards their families . It may be the reason for the separation of couples.

The trend of second marriages in Karnataka

We have seen that the divorce rates are increasing in Karnataka. But the thing to note is that the number of people getting remarried after separation is also increasing. There are many good online websites that help divorcees to find their matches for a second life. The demand for second matrimony websites is increasing, along with the increase in the search volume of keywords related to the second marriage .

Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones