You will take many journeys throughout your life. As you get older, your needs change. You move further from the family home and you might put distance between some of your previous beliefs and values. Your core needs may remain the same: you still need a roof over your head, food, and water, and you must meet your emotional needs, as well.

How you process those needs can dramatically impact your fulfillment levels. It might even impact your overall satisfaction levels with who you are as a person and where you feel you are going in your life. You will redevelop, progress, reassess, and move forward until you finally achieve fulfillment. But it won’t end there, you will need to keep pushing to ensure you maintain your fulfillment levels.

Fulfillment is the ability to achieve happiness and… in a sense, a feeling of completion. An excellent example of self-fulfillment would be the dream of completing law school and feeling proud, happy, and fulfilled when you finally do so.

It doesn’t have to be as black and white as a specific goal. But ultimately, it’s achieving your hopes, dreams , and aspirations through your own effort. It’s using your abilities to the max and fulfilling yourself.

How firm an idea do you have about your level of fulfillment? If a psychologist were to assess your sense of fulfillment, where would you fall on the scale?

There are several measures that you can use to assess your fulfillment level.


Living life fully

Making a positive difference

Pursuing authentically

Living true to yourself

A self-reflecting contribution

Worthwhile involvement

Leading a worthwhile life

Living a life that matters to others

Fulfillment is something you have to consider. You need to ensure your life is on track because it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, you need to find happiness . If you have issues, you need to work through them before you try to change things up and transform your life.

Answer the questions below to get a sense of how your level of fulfillment stacks up against the common measures of fulfillment listed above.

Can you share your uniqueness?

Can you show your true abilities?

Can you take advantage of the opportunities that come your way?

Can you realize your dreams ?

Do you have the courage to be your authentic self?

Can you pursue your passions?

Have you led your life in a way profoundly suited to you?

Have you used your opportunities to contribute to the well-being of others?

Have you been able to leave a positive imprint on the people around you?

Can you make a positive contribution to the welfare of others?

Are you using your abilities to contribute to the common good?

Have you provided significant support to develop others?

Have you contributed to the success in the lives of others?

Can you do what you are best suited for?

Have you lived with a purpose that goes beyond your life?

Have your efforts been worthwhile?

Is contributing to the success of society important to you?

Have you been living for the right things?

Have you done something of value with your life?

Will you look back on your life as one well-lived?

Have you been able to recognize purpose and meaning even in the most difficult of times?

Has your life been worthwhile?

Have you experienced your life as meaningful?

Have you realized what truly matters?

Being fulfilled is something everyone should do. It’s important because you are the one who will always be searching for more if you don’t take the time to figure things out now. It is you who needs to be satisfied and you can”t allow anyone else to be in control of how you live or how you attain your happiness .

Only you can make the important decisions to pursue the life you want to live. So, don’t measure success by material wealth or monetary gain. And when you set goals for yourself, be sure they are things you want to pursue.

The way we understand fulfillment is a combination of affective and cognitive aspects. It entails people being able to realize their potential, lead authentic lives, and become complete and whole. Further, it involves feeling that your existence is significant and that you can leave a unique mark on the world with your contributions. Moreover, that you are capable of contributing to the well-being of others.

The pursuit of fulfillment isn’t vain or selfish. It isn’t a luxury. It’s a necessary part of life. It’s essential for you to thrive. Your own appraisal of your fulfillment level can be a predictor of physical and mental well-being. Fulfilled people tend to feel more positive about aging . So, what can support your journey to attaining fulfillment?

Engaging in meaningful activities, performing tasks that absorb you, a positive attitude toward life, and pursuing goals that bring you a sense of achievement . If you are one of the lucky people who feel their profession is a calling or you engage in an activity you view as a calling, then this can provide you with a profound sense of fulfillment.

We also tend to feel more fulfilled as we age, this is possibly because we stop worrying as much about what others think we should do or who we should be. It might be that life experience has contributed to a sense of contentment. Regardless, the character strengths of older adults help them attain fulfillment easier.

Fulfillment is for everyone. And while it may come easier in your later years, you can still pursue it now. It is, after all, a never-ending journey. It’s a cup you need to continually fill in order to enjoy it fully. You have plenty of time left to pursue your dreams and establish a legacy. While your older years may provide you with more freedom to express yourself, there is no reason to wait.

Author's Bio: 

Judi Moreo is the Ultimate Achievement Coach. In addition, she is an author, an artist, a hypnotherapist, an NLP practitioner, and a television show host of “What’s Your Story?” on the WWDB-TV Network on Roku. If you would like to contact Judi, you may do so at