Ask a room full of entrepreneurs what their greatest challenge is and, more times than not, the answer is, “Finding clients.”

Actually, it’s not so much finding clients as it is finding the right clients. Imagine if you didn’t have to search out clients because they found you because you are incredibly visible.

The more visible you are, the more likely you will be found. Yet, for many entrepreneurs , they seem to do all they can to avoid being found.

It stands to reason that the more visible you are the more likely potential clients will find you. Whether it be by way of a Google search, reading a blog post, listening to a podcast show or finding an info-graphic on Pinterest, the more quality content you have online that “speaks” to your market, the easier it is to be found.

One of the best ways to distribute quality content is on your blog. As I was sharing this thought with a group of clients during a recent mastermind retreat, I found myself saying, “I am so convinced of this, I commit to blogging daily, Monday through Friday, for the next 30 days.”

Not one to miss a beat, Kimberly wrote this down, pushed the piece of paper toward me and asked me to solidify my commitment by signing an agreement.

I love a good challenge so I signed the paper.

When you make a commitment to do something, you are saying to another person that they can trust you and rely on you to do that thing. To make this commitment to my clients puts my word on the line and requires I follow through…no matter what.

Far too often people make commitments and yet, when they get sidetracked, bored or things get a bit tough, they stop.

One reason commitments are so powerful is they influence your behaviors. That is, if you take the commitment seriously. By following through on commitments people trust you to do what you say. By not following through, you have no idea how many opportunities you might be passing by. After all, if someone sees that you don’t keep your word, why would they send opportunity your way? Referral business is a great example of what you might be missing if you are viewed as someone who cannot be trusted to keep your word. And by trust, I’m not talking cash register honest. Most people are cash register honest. I’m talking the little things that tarnish one’s reputation.

I digress. Back to visibility. With great visibility and a great reputation, opportunity shows up all over the place.

Want to accomplish something that is a stretch? Make a commitment to someone you respect… like my 30 day blog commitment. You can also make a public commitment to keep yourself accountable.

Imagine what would change if you were to make a 30 day commitment to do something to gain visibility. Whether it be to write a book, secure a speaking engagement, book five radio interviews or blog for 30 days, by making others aware of your plan, you are more likely to stick with it.

When you stick with a visibility commitment, not only do you gain more trust from those you committed to, you also gain more market presence, thus making it easier for potential clients to find you among all the noise vying for their attention.

Go out and GET VISIBLE!

Author's Bio: 

Kathleen Gage is the “no-nonsense, common sense” online marketing strategist, speaker, author, product creation specialist, and owner of Power Up For Profits. She helps entrepreneurs make money online. Her clients are driven by making a difference through their own unique voice.