College Fairs: What College Should I Go To?

Many students are asking the question, “What College Should I Go To?” Attending college fairs is one of the best ways of finding the perfect one to attend. Instead of having to find all the information on various schools on websites and by making phone calls, you can just talk to admissions officials in person at the college fair. You can literally learn about dozens of different schools all in one day.

Here are a few tips for using college fairs to find the right college for you:

==> How to Find a College Fair

There are two main places to look for college fairs.

First, talk to your high school counselor about your college interests. Your school’s counselor should have a schedule of all the college fairs that will be happening in your area. They should also be able to give you some advice on how to get the most out of the experience.

Second, you can find college fairs by going to the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)’s website:

==> Preparing for the College Fair

Before you go to the college fair, it pays to do a bit of homework.

Get a list of all the colleges that’ll be attending the college fair. Do a bit of groundwork on those colleges.

What’s their reputation? Are they difficult to get into? Will employers be impressed with a degree from that institution? What kind of people do they look for? What’s the social atmosphere of the college like?

Make a list of all the colleges that you want to learn more about and make it a point to meet the admissions officials from all those colleges.

Prepare a list of questions that you want answered by each college. This will help you to answer the question, “Which college should I go to?”

How to Prepare for a College Fair:

==> What to Ask the Admissions Officials

Here are some of the most important things you should ask the admissions officials from a college you’re considering.

– What are the costs? Are there any costs apart from unit costs that you need to know about?
– What’s the housing situation like?
– What’s the social life like?
– What do they look for in someone who’s applying to that college? What kind of test scores do you need?
– Do they have any general advice for admissions?

Be frank and honest when discussing your future with these colleges. Remember: They’re here to help you.

==> Picking Your College

Making the final choice of your college should be part logical and part emotional.

Weigh the costs, location, entry requirements, education level and other factors against one another to come up with a “shortlist” of schools you’d like to attend.

Then ask yourself – What kind of “vibe” did you get from the college? Is that an atmosphere you’d like to spend more time with?

College Fairs: What College Should I Go To?

If everything checks out, then start the application process for that school. Remember, that you should probably apply to a handful of different colleges to make sure that you get accepted to at least one. After these steps, you can have a better handle on knowing which college you should go to.

How to Chooses a College Major:

What College Should I Go To

Author's Bio: 

Christine Reidhead is an avid seeker of knowledge and zealous humanitarian who shares an incredible passion for the art of serving the community. Serving as an advocate of education, she aims to enlighten the lives of underserved communities. Christine wants to ignite a positive change among the masses through her passion for community service and the love of sharing others life stories. She is a proud mother to two wonderful boys and strives to be an inspiration to all. Christine presently serves as a Business Professor, Department Chair of Business and Faculty Vice President. She is the Founder and CEO of AfrikRising Nonprofit Organization. Christine is the author of Get That Job! Ace Your Job Interview – every time!