We have got used to relying on a whole range of chemical products for the cleaning of our homes and offices without paying attention to how harmful such substances can be for the health or the environment.Paint, oil, grease, germs, stains and blotches are the nightmare of cleaning and the enemies of good health, and people use very powerful agents to eliminate the problem. Given the immense environmental problems, some companies have taken up manufacturing eco-friendly cleaning products. Most spot and stain removers in the eco-category are now derived from natural resources, with plant or vegetable ingredients in organic solvents.

There is a widely spread lack of confidence in the capacity of eco-friendly cleaning products to remove resistant stains. If we manage to eliminate such prejudices and actually try some eco-friendly cleaning solution, we may be pleasantly surprised by the results. We try to clean and remove the dirt that surrounds us by soiling air and water. Why switch to eco-friendly cleaning? First of all your home will be clean from toxic fumes and chemicals, you will sleep better and enjoy a great sense of well-being.

There will be less health hazards for children and babies who may come in contact with toxic cleaning residues. Nor will there be any more fumes from spray bottles. With eco friendly cleaning, you can say goodbye to home poisons. You can eliminate the hazardous substances by using household pickup days, and replacing them with safer versions. Eco-friendly cleaning equals a better environment for your children. Moreover, the fewer chemicals you use, the fewer toxic materials will be evacuated in the waste water stream. The alternative to the ready made eco-friendly cleaning products is the use of homemade solutions.

You can find eco-friendly cleaning tips on the Internet as many web sites promote green cleaning. Not only the cleaning agents should be changed with eco products, but the cleaning accessories as well. Sponges, mops and rags should be all natural and reusable. Be careful about the durability of the products, about their health and environmental impact. This kind of changes will also bring considerable savings.

how to sleep better

Author's Bio: 

I am a Mother. I cook, clean, wipe noses, push Benadryl, check for nits, help with homework, and iron tiny polo shirts. I used to have a real job with a degree framed on my office wall, but I gave it up for this glamour.