There are many steps parents may take to reduce the stress children are experiencing in our culture. The following bullet-points represent areas of life that may be modified to increase the security and comfort in our children’s lives.
* Provide a safe, secure, familiar, consistent, and dependable home.
* Be selective in the television programs that young children watch (including news broadcasts) which can produce fears and anxiety .
* Spend calm, relaxed time with your children.
* Encourage your child to ask questions, and to express concerns, worries, or fears.
* Listen to your child without being critical.
* Build your child's feelings of self-worth. Use encouragement and affection, try to involve your child in situations where he or she can succeed.
* Strive to use positive encouragement and reward much more often than negative consequences.
* Allow the child opportunities to make choices and have some control in his or her life. This is particularly important because research shows that the more people feel they have control over a situation, the better their response to stress will be.
* Encourage physical activity.
* Develop awareness of situations and events that are stressful for children. These include new experiences, fear of unpredictable outcomes, unpleasant sensations, unmet needs or desires, and loss.
* Recognize signs of unresolved stress in your child.
* Keep your child informed of necessary and anticipated changes such as changes in jobs or moving
* Seek professional help or advice when signs of stress do not decrease or disappear.
An open, accepting flow of communication in families helps to reduce anxiety and depression in children. Encourage your children to discuss their emotions and help them discuss simple ways to change the stressful situation or their response to it.
Below are some tips that junior high and high-school children can follow themselves to help reduce stress:
* Talk about your problems. If you cannot communicate with your parents, try someone else that you can trust.
* Try to relax; Listen to calm music, take a warm bath. Close your eyes and take slow deep breaths. Take some time for yourself. If you have a hobby or favorite activity, give yourself time to enjoy it.
* Exercise , physical activity reduces stress.
* Set realistic expectations. Do your best, and remember that nobody is perfect.
* Learn to love yourself and respect yourself and respect others. Be with people who accept and respect you.
* Remember that drugs and alcohol never solve problems.
* Ask for help if you are having problems managing your stress. Marta Hatter, LCSW

Author's Bio: 

I'm Marta Hatter, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, EMDR Certified Therapist in private practice in Irvine, California, My goal is to share in the counseling success of my clients by providing quality professional services to equip them for challenging life events, and to encourage healing and personal growth. Therapy can result in numerous benefits, including improving interpersonal relationships and resolution of the specific concerns that led an individual, couple or family to seek help. Families and individuals deserve ethical solutions to serious issues.
One of the greatest gifts we can give others is ourselves. We offer consolation and comfort, especially in moments of crisis. Receiving is an art. It means allowing others to become part of our lives. It means daring to become interdependent. Let us be good receivers, and give of ourselves as well.Assessment Based Treatment
Treatment is based on a psycho-social assessment, diagnostic criteria, and an Object Relations orientation. Therapy techniques will vary as clinically appropriate. Examples include but are not limited to Cognitive Behavioral therapy, trauma treatment including Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing/EMDR, Play Therapy with children, and Family Therapy.