Piles is he condition of one affected with hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are a mass of dilated veins in swollen tissue at the margin of the anus or nearly within the rectum. Piles should not be confused with Fissure. A Fissure is a temporary injury in the anal passage caused by the stools.

There are two types of Hemorrhoids. Internal Hemorrhoids occurs above the dentate line. If the Internal Hemorrhoids become thrombosed then they can produced pain. External Hemorrhoids Occurs below the dentate line. They are mostly painful.

Internal Hemorrhoids are of following types-
Grade I – No prolapse
Grade II – Prolapse upon defecation but spontaneously reduced.
Grade III – Prolapse upon defecation and must be manually reduced.
Grade IV – Prolapsed and cannot be manually reduced.

Hemorrhoids are caused by an increase in pressure on the veins in the rectal and pelvic area. When pressure gets increased, blood gets pulled into the veins, due to which veins get swollen. As the pressure increase, surrounding tissues also get stretched and formations of hemorrhoids occur.

- Probable causes: Lack of fiber in the diet . This makes the stools harder and more difficult to pass.
- Continuously sitting or standing
- Obesity
- Constipation
- Sedentary life style
- Excessive intake of oily, spicy and junk food.

In most instances the cause is due to constipation.

There are two types of piles, Bleeding and Non-Bleeding. In Bleeding Piles, blood passes through the stools. In Non Bleeding Piles, blood does not pass through the stools. Itching inflammation, pricking sensation, pain in the anal region are symptoms of piles.

As per Ayurveda if the function of Apan Vayu and Pachak Pitta get disturbed then the problems related to digestive system arise at an alarming rate. One of them is constipation. Chronic constipation may give rise to the problem of piles. The herbs which can tone up the function of Pachak Pitta and Apan Vayu are antioxidant dravyas for the Digestive system may be effective to relieve the problems of piles as these help rebuild and strengthens the veins. Some studies show that steroids can help in reducing the tenderness as well as bleeding associated with piles. Vit C, Vit A may also help with hemorrhoids. But a lot of research work is required to establish the aforesaid matter.

Following are the herbs useful for Hemorrhoids-

Mimosa Pudica (Lajjalu) – The whole plant is astringent, antiseptic and cooling. Leaves and root are given in powdered form with milk to treat piles and fistula. Ref: (Shivarajan VV, Indira Balachandran, Ayurvedic Drugs and their plant sources 1994, 271, IMM, 799.Ahluwalia KS, Medicinal Plants of Kerala, Part IV, 1968, Nagarjuna, 11, 300)

Nymphaea Stellata (Nilotpala) - Acts as an Antipyretic, analgesic, sedative and anti-inflammatory.
Ref : (Pharmacological Research Unit Central Council For Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, Lucknow and Calcutta, Singh N et al, Pharmacological studies on N. Stellata, J Res. Indian Med Yoga and Homoeo, 1977, 12(3) 53-57, Singh N et.al, 1978, Quart J. Curde Drugs Res. 16,8)
The petroleum, ether and alcoholic extract of this herb is found to be more effective as antipyretic and analgesic.

Santalum Album (Chandan) - Is a cooling agent and potent to reduce inflammation.

Sesamum Indicum - Emollient. Helpful for piles. A paste of seeds mixed with butter is used in bleeding piles. Ref. (Wealth of India, Vol IX, 1972, 290)

Aloe Vera – Useful to correct the problems of Digestive system. The fresh juice of Aloe Vera was studied for its anti-inflammatory properties. It does show anti-inflammatory activity.

Symplocos Racemosa (Lodhra) – Has astringent activity.

Mesua Ferra (Nagkeshar) - Astringent, Stomachic and antispasmodic.

Pharmacopial products mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic Texts are Arshogni Bati, Arshkuthar Ras and Abhayarishta.

For External Application Jatyadi Oil, Kashishadi Oil can be used. Application of Kashishadi oil on hemorrhoids at initial stage may help to shrink the piles. Jatyadi Oil – Take lukewarm water in the tub. Add 5 to 6 drops of Jatyadi Oil in it. Then sit in that tub for 3 to 4 minutes a day. It will help to relieve inflammation and pain of the anal region.

The best natural remedies for People who want to treat hemorrhoids, is to change life style.Eating whole grains, bread, cereals, raw vegetables, Salads and beans. Butter milk has a beneficial effect for piles also. Avoid alcohol, spicy food, coffee in excess quantity. Eat plenty of fiber rich foods as fruits containing fiber, instead of drinking juices.

Complications of piles are rare, but blood loss through hemorrhoids may cause anemia. If one is passing black stools or blood clots he or she should consult a medical doctor immediately. The use of herbal remedies in initial stages can possibly prevent the stage of operation.

Dr. Veena Deo, B.A.M.S. (M.D.)

Dr. Veena Deo is an Ayurvedic Doctor in India. All the information provided above and opinions expressed above are her own and should not be construed as medical advice. This information is provided for educational purposes only. For questions or to consult Dr. Veena Deo, please send an email to dr.veenadeo@gmail.com .

Author's Bio: 

Education: B.A.M.S., M.D.(Ayurveda); 1984 Nagpur University, India.


New product development consultant, Herbal Destination, New York.
Worked as a Medical Officer in “Matru-Sewa-Sangh” Nagpur 1987-88.Worked as a Research officer in Datta Meghe’s Medical College, Wardha 1989-92.
Food & Drugs Cosmetic-Act-1940, Approved chemist from 1996.


Presented paper in International conference “Update Ayurveda” at K.E.M. Hospital Mumbai on “Efficacy of herbomineral formulation on Diabetes”.
Presented paper in International conference “Role of Indian Medicinal Plants” at Banaras Hindu University on “Management of Diabetes”.
Presented paper on “Pain Management” in National Conference at Nagpur.
Presented paper in National Symposium on Research Methodology in Ayurveda Field Pune.
Regular contributor of articles on Ayurvedic Topics to various magazines.
Talk shows on Radio & T.V. on Ayurvedic Topics mostly relating to women's Health Problems.