India is one of the world's fastest growing IT market nations, forecasting the propitious scope of Android App Development in India in the years to come. According to NASSCOM, an Indian IT & BPO industry trade association, India's IT sector has accumulated USD 160 billion in revenue in 2017, to which Android OS market has made a significant contribution. As of July 2017, the market share held in India by Android mobile OS is about 79.17 percent, according to statistical market research. This Android OS rise in the Indian smartphone market has helped many app developers achieve their application development career goals.

The more android users, the more android apps will beconsumed. As a result, the more career opportunities are available for developers of android apps. Now, talking about the evolution of the Android operating system, it was in September 2008 that Android was first heard and came into view, with HTC Dream being the first smartphone powered by Android. Android has since climbed the successful stairs in the span of just 9 years, reaching the position that appears to be a visionary dream for other smartphone operating systems.

What is Android app development?

Android App Development means simply developing applications in android training institute in chandigarh that can run on Android operating system powered devices. Java and Kotlin are the programming languages used to develop android applications. Kotlin is a new programming language and an alternative language for android application development. Many renowned technology companies have begun to use kotlin to develop their android applications such as Pinterest, Uber, Atlassian, Pivotal, etc.

Benefits of choosing Android app development

As we've already discussed, Android OS is running on over 75% of India's smartphones. Global figures are even larger, with more than 85 percent of smartphones running on android OS, indicating tons of advantages in selecting android platform to develop applications. Here are some exceptional advantages of choosing the development of Android apps rather than other platforms like iOS, Windows, Blackberry OS etc.

Open source: Android is an open source mobile operating system that enables developers of apps to be free to use source code and develop robust and streamlined applications. Simply download Android SDK which is free and there are no licensing costs to start developing apps.

Adaptable UI: Android - built applications are highly adaptive and customizable. For application developers, there are different customization options available that enable them to shape their creative ideas and deliver streamlined apps to android users.

Massive market: Android's mobile app market is not limited to Google Playstore alone, there are other marketplaces where android apps can be deployed. Most of these app markets enable developers to deploy their app free of charge.

Job Opportunities

One of the main advantages of selecting the development of android apps is the incredible job opportunities associated with >Android Industrial Training Chandigarh . Many IT industries require developers of Android apps to create apps that can deliver the best user experience. Everyone is familiar with smartphones and tablets powered by Android, but you know there are several other variants of Android OS, such as Android TV for Televisions, Android Wear for wrist watches, Android Auto for cars. Some other devices powered by android operating system are media players, digital cameras, consoles for gaming, PCs, etc.

Scope of Android app development

The scope of development of android apps in IT and other sectors in India can be assessed from the fact that many of the IT industries generate revenue mainly through their online android apps. For example, e-commerce industries such as Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, eBay, LensKart, Jabong, Myntra, etc. are selling their products via website or android apps. Besides e-commerce, there are several other domains that use android platform to provide customers with their services and products.

Android Education Apps such as Byju's, TopRankers, Simplilearn, Prozo, NCERT Solution, EQuickes, Vocabulary etc. have enabled learners to gain as much knowledge and information from the books as they can. So instead of paying for buying books , downloading free education apps is a better way to choose from. Social media is another platform that benefits tremendously through android applications. The biggest organizations in the world, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc., are the famous examples that used android platform to profit from their business. Whatsapp, Snapchat, WeChat, Tumblr, Kik, Vine, etc. are other popular social media applications.

Career Opportunities

Android App Development offers boundless career opportunities. Many IT firms and startups are often looking for applicants with expertise in the development of android apps. Through our training in developing android apps, you can gain such skills and expertise. E-commerce companies like FlipKart, Amazon, Myntra, Jabong, LensKart, Grofers etc. run and manage most of their business via mobile apps.

They need highly qualified app developers for this purpose, who can look for bugs and errors in the application and fix those bugs with improved overall performance.

Author's Bio: 

Niti Sharma is a professional writer, blogger who writes for a variety of online publications. She is also an acclaimed blogger outreach expert and content marketer. She loves writing blogs and promoting websites related to education, fashion, travel, health and technology sectors.