Learn-2-Learn Series (Part 4 – Sensing and Intuitive Learning Techniques)
Many people learn differently. Some learn by Sensing and others by Intuition . These are the most basic of the learning styles in that they are the ones people use most and find themselves using in almost every learning situation. Either through theory or real world application.
We will go over the techniques for these learning styles, but remember… to become a true meta-learner, you must learn to learn beyond the techniques that make you feel comfortable.
*Note – Techniques used by each style can work and be useful to the other styles. Just because one may statistically be better for one does not mean it won’t work for you. Try them all and experiment a little.
How to Use Sensing Techniques to Learn
Sensors learn through practical exercises. If it doesn’t have anything to do with the real world or be useful in a way they can use it in the real world. They will tune it out and consider it a waste of time to learn. Because of this, as a Sensing Learner, it is imperative to get exercises using methods, processes, formulas, and actual examples of its use in the real world. Therefore, when learning find how something you learn fits in the practical knowledge of what you do every day.
Find Real World Professionals Using the Knowledge You’re Learning Today.
This can be done by interviewing , working with, or even just watching videos of how people do what they do in the real world. This allows you to see the practical knowledge in the mess of theory and concepts.
Find practical exercises you can do on how to physically do something like sew, program code, or anything else you’re trying to learn.
Look online or in person for practical exercises on how to learn a skill you want.
Want to learn to sew? Sew a blanket.
Want to learn to build a house? Build a dog house and learn the basics.
Want to learn to program? Develop a program, application, or tool that you can use.
The idea is to not learn something useless, but how to actually ‘DO” something. Not the concept of how to do something.
Figure out how to input the new information into what you do every day.
This is my favorite technique as it entails you to actually understand your life and how you work within it. Because if you know the inner workings of your life, you are easily able to input new information into your inner workings and instead of having to rebuild your life around it, you simply apply it into the grand scheme of what you’re already doing.
This can be easily done if you keep a Day Journal.A day journal can be an important part of any person’s life by logging all your accomplishments, your botch-ups, and everything in-between.
Why is it so important?
Because a day journal helps you track the things you do. Letting you know which are helping you with what you want to do with your life, and those that aren’t. By identifying the things that went right. You can continue them and understand why they went right and how to keep them right.
For example, being able to get to the end of the day and seeing the things you actually accomplished is inspiring and gets you pumped up for tomorrow. For me, being able to see that I wrote my weekly blog post t as well as went to the gym inspires me to keep succeeding. It lets me sleep, knowing that I was productive and had many everyday victories.
Going in the opposite direction.
It allows you to see places in your life where you would like to improve. As it is more easy to see the patterns as they emerge and eliminate them before they become too much of a problem. This can go to understand your bad patterns such as sleeping-in too much. Allowing you to think up a solution such as moving your alarm clock out of arm’s length to get you out of bed and more likely to not sleep in as a result.
How to Use Intuitive Learning Techniques
Intuitive Learners learn through interpretations or theories that link to facts. This is helpful in establishing the way things can work and when combined in finding how they do. The key for Intuitives is to be able to easily learn the concepts and theories of how things work through connecting the information.
Find out how to put Two and Two Together.For every theory or concept, you need to be able to look and find connections from theories to real life. This entails being able to put two and two together by asking questions, being able to see how things connect in general, and following the trail of clues. This makes learning in this style a lot harder as many of the ways to learn this way comes from a general knowledge of how things work in universally and applying them to a multitude of situations. However, anyone can learn to harness its power in varying degrees, now let’s get started. How to Put Two and Two Together and Build Theories Yourself.
First: Asking Questions Will Lead to Answers
Asking questions is the best way to get answers. Which is why asking questions to professors, professionals, or anyone who has information you seek. Having all the information is the first step to being able to connect it.
Second: Find Clues
After you’re done asking questions, it’s time to find clues of how things work by looking at real life situations such as the methods, processes, and formulas of people, events, and scenarios. The more you know, the more dots you will have to connect. This can include research. To find the information, you can look at newspapers, reports, and other material to build information off. You can also experiment to verify information.
Third: Connect the Dots
To connect the dots, you have to have a map of the information you’re trying to combine. Each piece of information has to be connected to see the big picture. This can be drawn out. Knowing the connections will allow you to remember the storyline of the concept or theory. These roads between information is the best way to lead one piece ofinformation to another.
Fourth: Look for Patterns.
While looking over data and other information, learn to look for patterns as everything biological eventually starts to form patterns/ habits . For example, DNA comes in patterns of 4 proteins, matter comes in patterns of atoms, and people create habits and rituals they do every day to every year. The ability to see patterns will allow you to see the general system that everything runs on. This will allow you to begin to become a meta-learner and general systems logician.
Lucas Thomas has earned his clients thousands of dollars with only one white sheet of paper. He has been doing professional copy for the last four years. And officially started his Copywriting and Internet Marketing business in May of 2011. In business, this has included all direct marketing pieces from brochures to sales letters. In academics, scholarships to proposals. In non-profits, grants to fundraisers. He has worked with multiple entrepreneurs, small companies, and non-profits across the World.